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What were/are your emotions leading up to closing the distance?

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    What were/are your emotions leading up to closing the distance?

    Hey guys, so I was sorta of wondering how you felt/feel in the weeks/days leading up to closing the distance once everything is in place and planned?

    I think everyone would obviously be excited and anxious, but anything else? I'm guessing there would be a lot of relief that all the planning is done, and for a lot of couples that the visa process has been approved....

    Anyway, share your stories.

    I am exactly one week away from closing the distance, and am a complete mix of emotions. In fact, we have been fighting a bit over trivial things - but I think that may simply be due to stress, but it still sucks. I have a lot to pack, and so much to do before I leave!!! Finish work Wednesday, graduate Thursday, and leave Saturday!!! Arrive Sunday, get the new house on Monday and start work on Wednesday!!!! But I am really thankful that I pick him up from the airport tomorrow so we can spend a few days together before we leave (and focus on each other instead of logisitics). Hopefully the two day drive won't be too stressful on either of us, or our puppy Kiara, and we can arrive in our beautiful new place with smiles on our faces.


      I was very stressed! Excited, worried...
      The visa process was a strain on our minds and wallets, and then not knowing how crossing the border would go (since it was SO bad in the past)...
      I hated my job, wanted to make his birthday (moving day) special, had almost no money...
      Some little doubts crept in. I had been married for 11 years previously, and jumping back in did cause some worry.
      Happy and relieved more than anything else though. This is what we had fought soooo hard for, and it was finally happening.


        yesterday,we just decided to close the distance much more earlier than our plan...tix just booked we are so so excited..and cant wait..we have another 54days to we are counting..for now i am only excited.:-D


          We are in the way of closing the distance . Iam really excited and nervous at the same time . We are engaged . Waiting to be together forever and not wanting to be apart . Its amazing to say I found my soulmate in my same country . Now just looking forward he gets what he needs so he could come with me to canada . We will get married in canada . All this is alittle stressful in away because i want everything to go good .


            My visa application got lost in the mail, which was a nightmare.
            And it was a little scary. Some of my paper work was dodgy, I didn't have the minimum amout of money to enter the country. I was flying my cat too, and had no idea what I was doing.

            Most of all I felt resentment. I didn't want to go. Obi and I had a visit in Oz with a lot of ups and downs, wherein he complained about Australia nearly continually, and that hurt me deeply... and kind of made me rebel against the idea of leaving. My family and friends were supportive, but also sad to see me go and that was really hard too.

            It was worth it though, and I have no regrets. It's just harder than you think it'll be.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              We're closing the distance in about 2 1/2 months, and right now it's just pure excitement. We're both moving to a new city together, and looking forward to experiencing new things and places together and having our own place for just the two of us.

              "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
              - A. A. Milne

