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Meeting for the first time

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    Meeting for the first time

    This ones dedicated to those who havent met their loves yet:

    Meeting up for the first time would probably be the most nerve wracking and stressful event of our lives.

    I havent met my love yet but I always dream of finally meeting him. The only problem is whenever I think about it, the more I get nervous and afraid.. I always think of the worst thing that could happen.

    Now for the question:

    How did you survive the very first time you and your SO meet? Was there any unexpected thing which happened?
    How did you overcome it?

    am eager to know your stories

    I met my SO for the first time in person last week, I was so nervous but everything worked out great. I was always taught that everyone you meet online is out to get you so that little voice was always nagging in my head. Thus we met in a public place I always told myself that if something didn't feel right that I wasn't going anywhere with him. The moment I got off the plane he was there to greet me (I didn't even have time to freshen up), but once I was in his embrace all those worries went away and we had the best 4 days and 3 nights together. I am very much looking forward to going back and possibly closing the distance.


      wow. nice to hear everything went well!. wish it wud happen to us too.. 2 months to go..


        The first time we met I had just gotten off a 20 hour flight and could barely walk straight. He met me at the airport and that first hug was something I'll remember for a long time. (: Immediately after that we shared a bagel and headed to the zoo. Our first date, right off the plane. It was a lot of fun.

        However, it was my first time in a winter climate, so after walking around for awhile I started to get a bit too cold and had to hide out in the exhibits for as long as possible before moving to the next one. Over the course of the next three weeks I discovered that if I walked fast/ran from one heated area to another I don't get cold as quickly. (;

        I also got to meet all of his family, which was nerve wrecking to think about, but it all turned out pretty well!


          How long have you two been together? How are your feelings about each other? When Sebby came to visit me in WV I wasn't nervous at all. Just anxious. I couldn't believe it was finally happening. We had been extremely in love. Not puppy love either, real deal adult relationship love.

          This is my story:

          Thursday night. Plane supposed to land in Charleston, WV at 11:30 pm. That means, I must leave school to get him at 9:30. Only problem? The guy giving me a ride was MIA. So! I had to find someone to make a 4 hour round trip drive on a school night for me...
          I get a call from my boyfriend... "My flight to Charleston has been cancelled. The only way for me to get in tonight is to fly into Huntington and land at midnight"

          Huntington wasd THREE hours away (this means a 6 hour round trip) and I still had NO ride... Well my college friend kinda whored herself out for me... I paid the guy 100 dollars for gas, she gave him the time of his life , and bought him Black Ops....

          Anyway we can't find the hicktown one or two terminal airport, and then we do and I find out the flight had been delayed AGAIN!

          We were the only three people in the airport waiting for my darling. Then when the plane landed I began pacing back and forth. More people arrived to pick up their loved ones, and gave me weird looks for pacing while my best friend had a camera ready to take pictures. I saw the blue of his uniform and we ran to eachother and I jumped in his arms as he spun me around. "I'm here and I love you" his first words to me. We got back to the dorms at 4 am and all my friends had waited up to meet him. After meeting them we went to my room and started messing around... then made love for the very first time and it was absolutely amazing. I will never ever forget it for all the days I live.


            I will let you know when it happens...


              Im still waiting to meet my SO, have 89 more days to go... lol so excited though, and nervous but more anxious than anything. I just want to be with him now and not have to wait.
              I love you Nathan <3
              5/25/09 <3


                I knew I loved that man with my entire being....and each day that led up to us meeting I was going crrraazzzy.

                He drove the 7 hours to here...calling me every few rest I knew appx. what time he would be here...I saw his vehicle pull up out front and suddenly i felt the wierdest feeling in the pit of my stomach..OMG!!!!!!

                I ran to the door and rushed into his arms. I remember seeing red roses and I just grabbed his beautiful face and kissed him.

                Ahhhhhhhhhh I wish I had a picture of that moment.... Over a year later...I still get that mushy gushy feeling!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  I havent Met Nick yet, But we were pem pals for ten years,that is how we met in the first place. We are going to meet this year. He is into the same stuff as me,. WW2 Military things. He enjoys going to War Museums. This year I have suggested that he visit me and we go to a WW2 show together.He has never been to it, so that os what we are going to do. But we hope to meet before then as the show is in July.


                    Well, my SO and I met 5 months after daily emailing, chatting and Skyping.

                    We just really had the urge to finally meet each other and so I booked my flight to New Zealand.

                    The trip was long, over 30 hours, and I had no idea what to expect, but it was more wonderful than I could have ever imagined.

                    She picked me up from the airport and we were both really, really, really nervous, but we clicked right away.

                    From that day on we spent 5 truly wonderful weeks together.

