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Is this normal?

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    Is this normal?

    Ok, I feel very insecure about all this.
    The past year nothing like this happend at all and now I am so close before closing the distance and those "signs" are coming into my way.

    Last week I saw my ex, I didnt see him much for the past year and now just before I am going to Australia again, he appeared twice in one chance.

    Then I also saw that guy from high school. I had a crush on him back then and we kissed on every school party. But he just wanted to **** so nothing serious happend between of us.
    I saw him at the carnival last saturday and we talked for a very long time.
    I was the whole time talking about my SO how awesome he is and how much I look forward to see him again, that I cant wait etc...he listened to me, which I think was very nice.
    And now he sent me a message If I got home okay...he hope to see me again...

    How about you guys?? Does soemthing like this happens to you aswell? I mean when you want to leave and then there are people showing up from past? I think thats very strange and scary in a way...

    Hmm I've never had this happen to me, but I've also never been in a serious enough relationship. I think as long as you don't act on or entertain the thoughts of keeping in contact with these guys it shouldn't be a cause for worry.


      I think that leaving or not, you still would have seen them. I don't really view that as a sign, personally, but rather the proximity of how close you live means you'd eventually bump into them somewhere. Plus you probably had similar likes or habits, which greatly increases the likelihood of seeing one another. *shrugs* But that's me.

      I hope things are going ok with your closing the distance. I know your parents were being jerks.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Yes, your probably right Silviar...I might focus too much on everything. But it really did stress me the past week. Seeing my ex was not nice and then he was on my mind again *ugh*
        But I think Im fine now.

        Yes, thank you, its going ok with closing the distance..some days better than others (when my mother change her mind again and is mean..)
        I hope you too are doing ok and arent too stressed with everything what comes with moving!?


          At this point, I'm more stressed about everything *around* moving. Like the morons at work taking money out of my check for my parking for next month... when I won't be here next month. Now I have to go argue with them and pray I get my money back, the terrorists. >.<

          Oh, and gas jumping $.70 in the past 3 weeks. Now I get to pray I have enough money to go see my grandma, otherwise it eats out of the rest of my budget to see everyone else.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

