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Closing the distance this summer!

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    Closing the distance this summer!

    So, me and my SO have finally decided that he will be able to move at the beginning of August! He recently talked to his boss, who said it would be possible for him to transfer the first week of the month. I am SO ecstatic, but it is also overwhelming. Our plan is for me to fly from Florida to Colorado and then the both of us will drive back in his car.

    I was just wondering if anyone has any advice?
    He doesn't own a ton of stuff, but probably enough to get a small U-Haul and trudge it down south. How much money should we need for the move back?
    Also, he is getting an apartment..but is it possible to line one up before moving here? If so, how would we work that? I'm in college and live with my parents, but he wants an apartment near by. How long does it take to sign & move into an apartment if I found a suitable one?

    Help, tips advice?!

    if he's looking for an apartment he should start now that way, he can get one lined up and once he's there he can sign the lease or you can pay the first months rent and security deposit for him and he pays the rest.

    Also for the whole move including hotels i'd expect you to have at least $1200 which includes the U-haul rental, hotels, gas and food.

    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


      You can get free quotes from UHaul on their website. $1200 is most definitely a low ball estimate. Depending on what UHaul you get -- trailer vs truck -- you could easily pay that just for the UHaul. I've moved across the country twice, and I'm getting ready to do it again to close the distance in about 50 days. The first time a friend and I moved together an he had a large truck so we got the largest trailer possible. It ended up only being a few hundred apiece. When I did it myself, I have a smaller truck so I used a smaller trailer. The rental was only about $300 including gas and everything it was about $1000. I'm estimating that this summer for myself as well, but I may not need the trailer this time around so it may be much less. Who knows about gas prices, however!

