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Found a job to close the distance but....

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    Found a job to close the distance but....

    So there was this company that I really wanted to work for and I was super excited about it! I liked the culture, what it stood for and everything until... I looked them up on ( If you want to know about a salary, reviews, or what it's really like to work for that company is a great site and it'll tell you the exact salary). Well, I looked up the company and well you have to work 12 hours with little pay, and the turnover rate is pretty high... so that killed my plan of closing the distance... I don't know what it is but maybe I'm not meant to close the distance anytime soon.. it sucks because I try so hard and something always happens! ... I love being around my honey, but the fact that I've been doing long distance for 4 years and we're not close to closing the distance anytime soon sucks! Oh well.. have you ever been so close but then something so random always happens!?

    If you thought you liked the company before looking at reviews maybe you should still look into it? You've got to take internet reviews with a grain of salt since it's often the angriest/most bitter cases that come and write online reviews.


      i agree with Mlle Bamako on this one, most times, reviews are written when you have a bad experience, and shouldn't be considered as a general representation of the subject reviewed...
      i hope it will better than you expect!
      Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
      And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
      ~Richard Bach

      “Always,” said Snape.


        Hey thanks for the advice! I have an update! I am going to try again with the job in my SO's hometown to try to close the distance, but I don't know maybe I'm just not meant to live in his hometown right now. Hence why I'm having a hard time finding a job that suits me down there! Well, wish me luck even though I might not be able to close the distance anytime soon darn...


          aw! sucks! keep trying to move to his hometown. things will happen the way they are meant to.. and I am soooo sure you will get creative and find a job to close the distance! I'm crossin' my fingers for you


            Good luck on the job hunt! I hope you find something soon.
            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

            Met: August 22, 2010
            Made it official: September 17, 2010
            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
            Got married: November 21, 2012
            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


              That's what I'm doing, well not his home town but a couple of hours away so we will at least get to see each other on the weekends and any other time we can get together. Sure beats the heck out of a 13 hour drive one way O.o
              Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
              Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
              Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


              You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
              Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

              Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
              Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                Good luck with everything!


                  I definitely know the feeling when you have a clear plan of how to do things but then life happens and everything changes. Keep trying though, you will get there eventually. Right now it might seem like it's never going to happen but one day, sooner than you think, you'll look back to this with a smile on your face and think: "I did it!"

                  Good things happen to those who wait.

