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Closing the distance the OTHER way

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    Closing the distance the OTHER way

    My SO has lived with me about 2 months now. When his visa runs out the plan was always to head back to his home country together. But now I have this job opportunity (that I really hope I get!) and we could be leaving a lot earlier than expected. The original plan was to stay through the summer, travel a bit, and head back at the end of July or early August.

    NOW if I get the job (*please yes please yes*) we would leave late June or early July. That's only 2 1/2 months away! eek! I just started thinking about that today! Am I ready to sell my furniture, pack my stuff, and move away for minimum 2 years? I say yes, but it's happening quicker than I thought now. It's just that I finish teaching in mid June, we'd have like a week or two to pack up, then get on to Costa Rica. Yikes!

    Oh well. I'd love to have this job and can't wait to go back to Costa Rica!! My 2nd home!!

    To me it sounds like you haven't got anything to worry about! Yes it might all happen a bit faster than you expected BUT you were gonna go back there initially anyway plus when you do you'd have a job you love... I think your situation is quite ideal cause it would make everyone happy and you have a concrete plan about what to do *jealous*

    Keeping my fingers crossed you'll get the job!


      I have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that you get that job! Sounds like you're super excited nervous! you will love it!!


        So exciting! I hope you get the job. (:


          good luck
          "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

          Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
          Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3

