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Seems like a fantasy?

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    Seems like a fantasy?

    If you have already closed the distance- did it feel like a dream before it happened?
    I keep thinking of things that could go wrong, only because it just seems so unreal that he will be here..

    My SO and I are closing the distance in August and it feels completely dream-like. It's almost as if I can't even fathom it. My boyfriend will be here for holidays, what? He is going to be here for birthdays, and I can take him to family barbeques and parties? So strange!
    It seems wonderful, and makes me ridiculously giddy- but still seems like it is someone else's life and not mine. Finally I will be like "regular" couples, and have him here 247. Wow.

    It's been this way for so long, it will be so strange to be together full time!
    Strange but wonderful

    More like a nightmare. At home, I have to clean out 11 years worth of stuff in my room. At work, I have to complete full developmental portfolios of 20 three year olds on top of the usual planning and implementing of curriculum. All this in 5 weeks. All that plus my recent weird behaviour with my boyfriend that seems to be part of the pattern before we meet each other, is making it more stressful and depressing than it really should be. Well, I just have to keep reminding myself that this is the last stretch before I'm close to him! (:


      Yes!! It really feels like a dream.. Before we knew when we will close the distance, i always imagine it..and i thought it will never happen or if it is it will take longgggg time from now... But we did..we made it.. Now we are living together...going out, do things together, wake up next to each other and etc.. Its amazing! Like you said, strange but wonderful.. :-D


        We're closing the distance (again) in 32 days and nope it doesn't feel real yet. Last time around was a spur of the moment thing and I pretty much just left all of a sudden. This time everyone is in on the big coundown and we're planning my leaving party which will be in about 25 days. So strange. It wont be real until I'm there with him.


          I can totally relate! The majority of our relationship has been through the internet and I have the possibility of getting him here in four months? I am having a hard time imagining fitting him into my everyday. Of being able to do things in the afternoon instead of sitting in front of a computer for hours. Of being able to go to sleep at night and know exactly where he is (NEXT TO ME!)


            I just closed the distance this weekend. The entire time leading up to it, even though I was prepared, got all of my stuff in order, even though I knew it was happening - heck, even when on the plane, it was kind of surreal. I think we get so used to the traveling for visits that it just feels like another visit, on one level.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              When my SO moved here it didn't feel too strange or surreal or anything. But now that I'm planing on leaving my country to move back with him it's starting to be real!


                It happened so quickly for us that we didn't really have time for it to feel like a dream. It just happened.

                "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                - A. A. Milne


                  I definitely didn't fully believe it until I was on the plane. Then it really hit me. And it's funny, 2 weeks later and I can hardly believe that we used to NOT be together all the time. It seems like our time apart never even happened


                    We're getting closer and closer to setting a date to close the distance, but I think that everything will happen so quickly that I wont believe it has happened until a few weeks after I get there and realize I don't have to return home. It will be a surreal feeling.


                      I started packing today and WOW it's starting to sink in now. What a great feeling! Roll on the 31st of May!!!

