I am moving on Friday. My family is sort of of happy for me, but their sadness is sort of overtaking everything else. It is a little different for me because I have two children, so we will be moving away from basically everything we have ever known. It is a scary feeling but there's no doubt in my mind I want to do it. Unfortunately, I feel like I can't even be excited to move, or even talk about moving, because my family, mainly my mom, breaks down in tears or becomes super emotional. I can't really avoid it because I am currently living with my mom. I feel like I am peeling off a band-aid very slowly and I am really having trouble knowing what to say to my family. So, any suggestions? Or, should I just let them work through their emotions their own way? I really feel like there is nothing I can do or say besides just stay here to make them feel better. At the same time, moving is stressful enough, but feeling like I am breaking everyone's hearts is making my last few days here very emotional.
No announcement yet.
How do you deal with emotional family/friends when you move?
I am moving tomorrow. I have tried to make sure I have seen the people I care for as much as possible. Also got my grandparents set up with skype so that will help ease the distance being able to see each other that way. It's always hard. I am super excited about going but the thought of leaving everyone behind stops me from being truly excited. I know they are happy for me but it will be hard on my parents I'm sure. I am expecting waterworks tomorrow at the airport. I don't think you should put your life on hold though and stay just to avoid making it hard on your fam. They will get over it, the initial shock of you gone and everything will settle back down.
Can you make sure you and your mom are set up with web cams, and a program that works well to video chat? (I say that because Rane & I had such bad luck with Skype and had to use google talk.) Then she would at least know she got to see you and the kids, maybe even at a set time?
I think everyone will likely get used to their new normal, if given some time. It can't be easy to know you guys are leaving, but I don't think there is a ton you can do to help, except reassure her/them that they aren't losing you, and how communication will continue, no matter the distance.
I think being honest would be a good idea. Tell them that you're having trouble dealing with the move too, but that you really really REALLY need them to be supportive of you right now. Say you know this is the best decision for you and your family, and you will always always come to visit.
Yeah, we already plan on using skype and whatever communication we can to stay in touch. We also already have a visit planned in another month. I have said everything under the sun, including how it isn't easy for me either. I think having a sad family is probably a good thing... better than wanting them to kick me out the door. I just really have trouble hurting people's feelings. I am dreading saying goodbye to everyone and I am sure they feel the same. I just don't like having a black cloud hanging over a happy time, but I guess I am trading one long distance relationship for another one.
Closing the distance is bittersweet especially if you are the one moving. On the one hand you gaining someone you love in your life everyday, but you are losing other people that you love in your life everyday. I think it will get easier once you have actually moved and things sort of get in a rhythm with visits and all of that.I wish you luck!
Thanks! I think everyone is just scared right now about how things are going to be and knowing that in a few short days it is becoming reality has hit hard for everyone. I hope that once I get there we can eventually get used to the distance and how to deal with it. It's just hard right now that it is so close!
Bottom line is they love you no matter what. Family's love is suppose to be conditional. Once they see how happy you are when you close the distance, they will realize it's all for the better. And it won't be that hard once they realize phones, the internet, and airplanes were made for a reason
Yes, good point. That makes me feel a little better. The next few days are just going to be really painful, but I am also really excited about starting a home with my SO. So, like a pp said, it is so bittersweet. Thanks for all your support.
Hi Micah! I am new to the site and your story really touched me! My sister lived a similar experience and me too. All I can tell you is that your family will always love you and you will always love them too. Try to relax and have fun while you are with them, smile, and make them smile too. When you arrive to your new home, call them at once and tell them how you feel, and have your loved one talk to them too!! Call them very often to let them know how you are. I wish you both a happy life together!!! Remember to keep a "great" communication between you!! Communicate a lot about everything!!! May God and the angels be with all of you!!! and may your love grow everyday!!!!!