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Sort of closing the distance (and it's a long story)

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    Sort of closing the distance (and it's a long story)

    First of all, hello. First time poster, long time lurker of LFAD.

    I'm not sure what exactly I'm hoping to accomplish from this post. Maybe I just need to ramble and bounce ideas off other people, I'm not sure.

    Quick backstory: met in Aug 09 via WoW. Was with my ex-boyfriend of 4 years at that time. Ex-Boyfriend and I drifted apart (he started seeing someone else) and in Dec 2010, LD Boy and I made it official. We've met twice since then (in April I went down to visit him, in May he came up to visit me). I suppose I should include that he lives in the US and I'm from Canada. There's a 13 and some months years age difference, which I've noticed doesn't seem to be a big deal in LD relationships, especially if you've met over the internet. Since I'm the younger one, I still need to get my school done (took 3 years off high school to work in Marketing). We looked at me going to school there but you need $27,000 + in funds if you're an international student. We've known each other for awhile, and we're both sure we want to end up tying the knot but I just don't want it to be *because* of the distance.

    So he came up with a brilliant plan. I move to Vancouver and study there, with student loans from the government. He moves to Seattle as he can work wherever (he's a photographer). A 1 day and x hour drive turns into a 2.5 hour drive. Still LD but not *as much*. Seeing as I've worked since I was 14, he suggested I take some time off work (2ish months) before I launch myself into a full school year and don't have time to slow down again. Going down there from mid-September to mid-December sounds amazing... but I'm a planner. I made checklists, I budget and when I don't see how I can make it work, I panic. By the time I pay debts, and bills and such off, I'll only have ~$800. Granted, I won't have to pay anything while I'm down there other than food but that will still have to cover any 'emergencies" that may come up.

    I just.. I don't know. I should be on cloud 9. This is a dream come true. 90 days waking up to the person I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. So why is it so scary?

    First of all, welcome to LFAD.
    Changes and moves are always scary. I'll probably go to England next year for uni (my SO is in America, so it's not to close the distance) and it will be an amazing opportunity for me, but i'm still freaking out about it, and at times i wonder if i shouldn't go. But as I said, changes are always scary, because you go towards something you don't know anything about, but then they often turn out to be the best decisions.
    If your heart feels right about this, GO.

    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.

