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Job hours clash?

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    Job hours clash?

    We've closed the distance and I will soon be looking for a job. My SO works Monday to Friday 9-5 and he would like me to find something similar so that we are still able to spend time with each other.
    I've looked around a bit and it seems that most of the standard m-f/9-5 jobs all require experience that I don't have. Most likely I will be working in retail or a restaurant and those jobs have varying hours and chances are I won't get both saturday and sundays off each week.

    When we briefly talked about it, he seemed to get quite flustered at the idea of me not working the same hours as him and especially not having weekends off. I understand where he is coming from but if I can't find a job that matches his schedule I won't have much of a choice.

    Has anyone else had to deal with this? How did you find time to spend together?

    Beggers can't be choosers unfortunately - if you need a job and haven't got the experience they require then you have to take whatever you can get in order to gain that experience. It might upset your SO but he just has to deal with it if you wanna have a secured financial situation. Different working hours make the time spent together more valuable.

    After you've found a steady job you can chance into hours that suit you both. But right now I say the money comes first cause there just can't be too much of it. Save as much as you can for your future together, you will both be grateful later on that you did. Trust me.


      When we temporarily closed the distance and were living together, we had clashing schedules. He was in school and worked on the weekends and I worked full time in retail doing various shifts. Having clashing schedules when you are in the same place [location wise I mean] is not really that hard to manage. Yes, it meant sometimes we couldn't go to the movies because our times didn't match up, but we always found time to spend together. Obviously not as much as we would if we had, had corresponding schedules, but you have to do what you have to do. It won't last forever, nothing does. I'd just take the first job you can get and sometimes after you've worked at a place a while you can get on an all days schedule or you might even find another job after a while.

