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The guilt of taking him away..

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    The guilt of taking him away..

    My SO has been talking about closing our distance around 2 years from now, because of college. Hes been telling me he wants to move to Indiana to be with me once I move out this September, and he will come along in the follwing 2 years..
    I was just wondering, how do I refrain from feeling guilty of him moving away form his family in Florida? He has a (will be 14 at he time) younger brother he will leave behind that hes hes close with. He says he will be fine..but I still feel guilt hanging over me..
    Any advice?
    Thanks! -Em

    People move out all the time, and many move to other states for love, for a job. Remember that he's always just a plane ride away from his family, and that anyway he would have probably moved out sooner or later. In a LDR especially, one of the two, if not both, has to leave home, it's normal, and yes, you may feel a bit guilty, but it's for the best

    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


      Thanks so much, you've really given me a more positive way of looking at him moving here


        You shouldn't feel guilty. One way or another, he will eventually get far from his family. Besides, it's his decision to move to your place, which means this makes him happy and therefore you shouldn't feel like you're pulling him away from anything. Imagine if it was the other way around -if you decided to move to his place- and he would feel guilty about talking you away from your family/friends. I'm pretty sure you would tell him the same thing I did in the first 2 lines.


          Everyone moves out eventually, some people just move further than others. However far away you are from your family, it still requires a certain amount of effort to keep in close contact with them. I've talked to my family so much more since I've moved here than I did when I was living in the same house as them. I'm sure your SO knows that he will be exchanging his LDR with you for one with his family and is okay with that. On your part you can do everything in your power to help him feel as un-alone as possible in the new place. (:


            I struggled with this worry for a long time! I was taking my SO from his home country, all the way to mine. I realize now though, that he is here because he wants to be, and nothing is forcing him to stay.

            In your situation, it isn't like your SO has to break contact with his family! I'm sure his little brother texts, and they can do video chat (parents too), and email... he's moving because he wants to.


              I feel like that too but as everyone has said it's his choice, its not like he's losing them forever.
              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

