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To Move Or Not To Move

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    To Move Or Not To Move

    It has suddenly become an option for me and Miguel to move in together.

    I have completely cleared the next year for myself. I will be taking online courses, so I can basically be wherever I want to be, while I upgrade my high school courses, work, and apply to university. But should we attempt it?

    We've been together 9 months, had 3 visits so far of a week each, and we are already planning to spend this coming August in the same city (though we are renting separate places). The thing is, I can't keep it up on my own. We would need to share a place, or else I wouldn't be able to support myself. Minimum wage isn't that great in BC :P
    Ftr: Rent for 2 would be about 400$ each, seperately it would be 600$.

    We were thinking about getting a place just for a month to see how it goes, and then moving from there. What do y'all think?

    "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
    -Miguel De Cervantes

    Read our story HERE

    Don't move in just because its cheaper. Make sure its something you both want and are ready for. Moving in spontaneously is something that should be avoided, make sure you both are ready for sharing bills, not going on as many dates, possibly fighting over who didn't clean up. Living together can be great but be prepared for all that comes with it.


      Like snow_girl said, do it if you feel it's a right choice, not only cause it offers some financial benefits.
      But if you're just afraid of how it could be to live together, then you could give it a go, for a month as you posted. See how you get along. Living together is different and can prove to be challenging, but eventually you'll be confronted with the situation if you want to be together

