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The ups and the downs of international moving begin

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    The ups and the downs of international moving begin

    I just dropped my SO off at the airport this morning. I was sad to see him go, but I'll see him again in a week. I've been through much longer periods of time without seeing him...

    Anyways, so I'm moving to Costa Rica in ONE WEEK. EEK. I am going through periods of excitement (CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT) and crying (I'll miss my mommmmmyyyyyy).

    I keep having people ask me "so how long in CR?" My answer is always "Indefinitely. At least 3 years." My SO has told me he never wants to live outside of Costa Rica, which is really tearing me apart. And although we are way far away from a proposal or marriage or children, it makes me think about the future. I don't want my kids to grow up and not know their family! My family is sooo close and crazy and they're great people to know. So then I think "well I'll just send them up every summer and they can stay with my mom." Except then I remember that the school year is different in CR and if I sent them during CR's summer it would be USA's winter... And what about a wedding? I have sooo many friends and I want a huge party, no way they can afford CR, nor can his friends afford USA. Ugh... logistics and getting way way way ahead of myself.

    I think one of the things that will really help out is the fact that he's been here for (almost) 6 months with me. So he'll be able to understand what I'm going through when I miss home and such. My SO is very open to listening to me talk about however I feel, but I know he'll freak if I bring up "what about marriage and kids?" so I never have. It's just stuff I roll in my head over and over again.

    And now there's the frantic "MUST GET EVERYTHING DONE" thing that's also happening. Doing bank stuff, taking care of my last bills, getting to the doctors one last time, packing....

    I am soooo rambling now.. should have made this a blog post... but I guess I just want some support from people who have moved internationally to their SO's country. (seriously... in CR it rains every day for 4 hours a day. That's what you get in the rain forest...)

    haha I understand your problem. I'm living in my sweet Hungary for 22 years ago and in two month and I gonna take the big step and move to Texas... I am thrilled and excited but I also have really big fears about it. I have tons of really close friends and I gonna terribly miss my parents but I know it worth it. I can't help with tips to moving to Costa Rica but I'll send you some good wibes to go through it! I know you gonna love it! Have fun


      I hear you on the rain. BC is the same. It rains all the time, even in summer. Crazy shit. And I hear you on the future stuff, but you know, just coz no one's talking about it doesn't mean they are not thinking about it, or that you can't plant little thought-seeds. A long engagement with lots of notice, and plenty of family/friends in the host country does make international marriage doable. It can really bring people together. It also brings your grey hair together, but that's another matter!

      Talk and ramble all you want, we'll listen!
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Marriage wise have you thought about having a ceremony in one country and a blessing in another? If you know someone who has a house/garden big enough you could always have the blessing at their house to avoid extra costs, wear your reception attire and you get to have a ''wedding'' twice!
        Enchanted, I'm sure.

