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Closing the Distance and Updates!

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    Closing the Distance and Updates!

    Hey I took a long break because I was going through a lot of problems. During my final semester at my university, I was devestated by the fact that dad and stepmom was divorcing due to a 2 year affair on my dad's part and my stepmom tried to commit suicide... it was hard cause due to visiting my stepmom in rehab and still trying to graduate. Most people in my situation would not of have graduated, but I ended up graduating with A's and B's despite my problems I closed the distance by moving in with my boyfriend in Arizona and I truly feel blessed I became more confident and flourished in my new environment. On top of that, I am moving pretty soon. I just landed a job in Japan and I'll be move back in winter. Right now, I'm just working and just enjoying this moment with my boyfriend! Overall, through the storm and everything. The best lesson I learned in life is that people won't respect you succombing to obstacles people respect you when you overcome them and anything is possible

    Congrats on closing the distance! and well done on your grades. I'm sorry to hear about your parents but it's good you didn't let it stop you from doing well.

