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Potentially Transferring Schools

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    Potentially Transferring Schools

    I am seriously considering transferring schools at the moment. The reason is actually not to be with my SO, but because I hate being in the city. I've looked at multiple engineering schools in the Northeast region but could only find 3 that are in "rural" locations. One of these schools is too big for me, one doesn't have my major, and the other one my boyfriend goes to. I'm just afraid that if I do transfer it would totally ruin our relationship because I feel like we'd be smothering each other all the time. Thoughts?


    Have you talked to him about it? How does he feel about you possibly being closer to him?


      Just cause you go to the same school doesn't mean you would have to hang out with each other constantly. He'd still have friends there he'd want to hang out with and it sounds like you'd need independent time as well. People somehow manage those close distance relationships we quite often forget here at LFAD, I'm sure you could do it. Talk to him see what he thinks .


        Just see what he feels. Tell him its for education, and kinda him
        But CD people don't see eachother 24/7 like some LDR's think. You'll have separate friends, separate classes, separate living conditions, etc.
        Talk. Be open with him. I think he might be very excited if you came down


          you should talk to him to see what he thinks about it.
          If I could transfer to be with my bf I would do it without thinking too much!


            Talk it out, think it through, then do what's best. You won't see each other 24/7 unless you want to. Remember.. MOST people have CDRs and those of us in LDRs have goals to eventually be CD.

