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Moving, really early... Help?

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    Moving, really early... Help?

    My boyfriend, Jesse is from Ohio and I am from Kansas. He just found out today he has to move and we decided it might be best for him to move to Kansas to be closer to me. We're thinking he will travel here by Greyhound bus with as much clothing that he can and a few other things. Tomorrow when he goes to work, he is going to ask his boss about being transferred here. He doesn't have much to start off with, does anyone have any advice? He can't live with me, I am finishing up school, unemployed, and still in my parents home. We have not met in person before, just skyped each other (idk if that's important).

    Is 2 months too soon for him to move here? My family can't take him in, any ideas on finding roommates? Is greyhound a good way of traveling? Any moving tips?

    This sudden decision is making me worry, I love him and I cannot wait to see him and be able to spend more time with him but this is going to be tough. Sorry if this post is in the wrong section, I'm still trying to figure this site out and sorry if it's like I'm rambling, I'm just a little overwhelmed.. lol Aiye aiye this was a long first post..
    Thanks -Ashlyn

    Hmm the first things/worries that come to my mind:
    - you haven't met in person yet (for me, personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable with him moving to me, if I was the main reason, and we hadn't met yet)
    - is he mainly moving there for YOU? Are you going to feel too guilty to break up with him if things end up not working out?
    - does he have money saved up for a move? You said he could possible transfer jobs but upfront moving costs are expensive (like paying 2 months rent usually a deposit)

    I think you guys should do some research about apartments in your area and see if there are a lot of choices and things in his price range (I usually use craigslist for those kind of things). And you should make sure that YOU feel comfortable with him moving.


      It turns out, that I jumped the gun. Things resolved themselves on their own, now we plan to meet in person in May, yay! Thanks for the advice though!


        Glad things worked out

