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Some Advice

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    Some Advice

    Very Sad.
    Was planning to meet my long distance love this Sept He applied for a tourist visa and was denied
    I sent invitation but I could not send a support document because I don't make enough money . We both were so upset
    He lives in Romania I live in Kentucky Right now I feel so lonely I could use some advice Please I can't afford to visit at this point What do I do??

    I originally posted this on closing the distance but no replies or it wasn't read
    Please help if you can

    Give it some time, you both should save up some money so one of you can make the trip. Don't give up hope if you really love each other.

    I found my boyfriend online about 3 years ago, I had feelings for him and tried to facilitate us meeting for over two years. Of course we weren't in love then, but that came after meeting him.


      Well, what do you want us to say or do?
      Neither him nor you have enough money for a visit right now, so you can't visit until one of you has enough money for a visit.
      So the only way you can be able to see each other is, if you save up. Do you have a job? Can you get a second job? Sell things?

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        You know, another thing, I have no idea how old you are, but when you're young saving a large amount of money to go to Europe, or even for him to come here is a huge task, but believe me, you can do it. It may be slower than you'd like but just keep putting it away. Instead of ordering a pizza with friends, buying a new video game or whatever, put those $20 away. They'll add up.

        I started to save myself by taking an extra $20 (or taking $20 out of what I really needed) from the ATM and putting it in my savings account. Before I know it, not only have I cut back on my savings but I'm able to see my man when we want to.

        It's hard work and I have to sacrifice, but for the man you love, isn't it worth it?


          Well In June 2012 we finally met in London on his Vacation oh it was so great I did get a second job and saved to money and went Now I feel so very happy It was the best time I had in my life now hes back in Romania We plan next year to apply for a fiance visa I hope it is approved we love each other so very much


            aww thats great congrats hope the fiance visa process goes smoothly. you ll need lots of patience and lots of courage good luck


              Thank you we need all the prayers and support we can get

