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Closing the distance when we go to college.

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    Closing the distance when we go to college.

    My boyfriend and I have been long distance for almost a year (our anniversary is the 22nd--yay!). Our relationship started long distance, like a lot of yours did, so we really have no idea what it's like to be living close to each other. We will be going to college together next September, and I'm SO psyched to get to hold him, talk to him face to face, or just hang out with him whenever we want. I'm still a little nervous, though, so I was wondering what ideas you guys had about making the transition from LD to CD easier, and how to balance our relationship with the rest of our lives (schoolwork, activities, friends, etc.). Thanks!

    You must be totally excited!!
    For my OH and I, it started the other way round... Met, went college together, then I moved to London for Uni, and quite literally left him behind .. But anyway, the advice I would give you from experience through college... It may be really hard, but try not to isolate yourselves and just spend every lunch/break/free period/after college time together. That is what my OH and I did, and to be honest, we lost all our friends. And when it came to the other being ill or not having a free period at the same time as you, then we would be totally lost and to be frank, a bit of a loner! Although for myself it's not too bad now as I have made new friends through uni, I did regret spending and prioritising all my time for him (he feels the same towards me) through the two years of college....

    There is nothing bad in spending the night with the girls, and getting loads of soppy texts from your OH saying how much he misses you!! Secretly love it
    Also if you can, get together in the same group of friends, that's always a bonus.. then it doesn't look like your hogging him to yourself, and I think it's kinda cute to go out in a group as a couple You can give each other sneaky squeezes and kisses that can build up the anticipation for later when your both alone and have him to yourself! Ha ha

    As for schoolwork, me and my OH used to study together and test each other ... That worked really well for us .... But definitely tell him to leave you alone for an afternoon if you need to do some hardcore revision by yourself! He won't take it the wrong way, hopefully he will admire you for being proactive in your studies

    What me and my OH also did, was prioritise a whole day to one another (although we pretty much spent all our time together, so technically didn't count) this way, your friends will know that you can't do a certain day as it's YOUR day. Think of different things to do every week when it's just you two.... After being close distance for a while, you WILL run out of things especially if money is concerned! (Going to the cinema every week gets a but expensive!) So think of new and fun things to do, even if it's just a random walk or bike ride somewhere different! This way you won't fall into the feeling of being 'bored' on YOUR special day.. That might seem impossible right now that you could possibly get bored with each other, but trust me, after a long while, it will get like that... So lots of fresh ideas and effort will not go a miss!!!

    I hope I have not sounded all negative... It's so so amazing to be close to your loved one such a lovely feeling that you can just turn up for a cuddle with a movie!

    OOOH, one more thing, avoid being the jealous girlfriend, I was to begin with... Not good, it's cool for him to hang out with girls, as long as you trust him, he will give you no reason to distrust him back! And I am sure he will feel the same about you....

    Errrm.. I think I have covered everything
    Anymore questions just ask I hope it's helped........ I am excited for you (sad that I am!!)

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

    Kelly x


      My SO and I met at college and were CD.

      The only tip I really have is make sure to make time for yourself, your work, your interests, your classes, your me-time. I know I didn't and I can tell where the drop came in my school work once me and my SO got together. It wasn't a major drop, but there is most definitely a slight dip. You'll be right there with each other and that's exciting but time to yourself and for yourself is good toom have the "college experience" you want to have.
      ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
      The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3


