My big move is Aug 1st. We have pretty much everything we need to start a life together in our own place. Things are looking up and I'm excited to end this distance. Anyone have any advice for me?
No announcement yet.
3 months
Oh wow, that's not long! I don't really have any advice to you since I'm already panicking a bit myself about Andy moving here and it won't be for another year yet, lol! But I'm very happy for you and I'm sure everything will fall to place once you guys are together
You're becoming an LDR-Survivor!
Hey, that is great, congrats!!! Well, ending the distance is a wonderful process, but at least in my case I will tell you it took some adjustments. You will have an adjustment time, where he'll get on your nerves, and you'll fight about little things and big things, and the one that makes the move will miss the old life. At the same time is a wonderful thing to start sharing new things, having your SO there is wonderful. I am very happy we ended our distance! I'm sure you will be too!
Thanks everyone!
Tanja-Tell me about it. I thought the time would NEVER come, and now, I'm freaking out because it's right around the corner.
Mio-I'm the one making the move and being that I'm VERY close with my family I know I'm going to miss home. I hope that I'll never resent him for my move, because it's in the end my choice. I want to be with him bad enough for me to move.
I'm hoping the transition will be quick but I do worry. Ah well =)
My SO moved closer to me in December, but he moved back after two months because he couldn't handle it. There were a lot of reasons that lead to that decision, but most of it had to do with planning. There was VERY little planning involved, and he moved here without a job and couldn't find one. He ended up running out of money really fast :/
I cannot emphasize enough how important is to have a plan! Get all of the tiny details figured out before you move there. I do not know if you already have a job there, but I would really suggest trying to get a job there before you make the move.
Also, it is a big transition, so it takes a good bit of time to get used to.
Like Bluestars said - Plan.. you can not plan too much.
Talk to him about everything - how you's will manage finances, who's doing what housework, whether it's ok to invite friends over without warning, decorating - everything. There is nothing too small to discuss.
Make sure you can find local groups or activities just for you - places you can make friends in the area, and things that interest you to keep you sane and give you something to bring to the relationship/ ideas, experiences and things to talk about.
Perpare your friends and family for the move. I learnt that keeping in touch with a long distance lover is much easier to co-ordinate than family and friends who might not have knowledge and access of the same technologies, might not know how to work around a time difference, or who don't know how to include people in their lives at a distance. Work out how and when you will be able to talk or write, otherwise you run the risk of the relationship being put on pause for your return - or simply fading away.
Good luckI'm sure it will be full of awsome!
Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person
The good news is yes, we've planned and planned, and planned, and then we planned some more.
We have everything settled but me getting a job. I will start applying for jobs late May or early July. I don't want to apply too soon, and burn bridges. I'm firm on not moving until August. I'm a NYS certified teacher, and i've researched everything that I need to do to be able to teach in Virginia, and that is all in order. I'm a big fan of working so if I have to I'll work at a fast food place. From what I see right now, Virginia is in major need of teachers, and day care personnel so all in all it looks like it'll work out just fine.
Zeph, I really don't know how to get things for just Myself in order. My family has known for over a month, and everyone is prepared for me to move. They know the visiting situation and all that, but I don't know how to get me time in order without my moving first.