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Best time to visit...?

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    Best time to visit...?

    My SO is in college in costa rica and doesnt have a passport or visa yet so he's asked me to go to him for our Christmas vacations from school and he'll help me pay for the tickets!

    Of course I really really really want to go especially since it's been 6 months since I last saw him but we're not rich and neither of us works so I don't know when we'll have the money for me to go again so i'm wondering if it would be better to hold off a little longer? Like until Easter vacation "/

    of course he'll be getting a teaching job next February when the school year starts again down there but he'll have to start paying back his school loan...

    When do you think I should visit?

    Well Christmas is a nice moment to spend together but if neither of you have enough money you should wait a while because during Christmas or New Year's eve, tickets are way more expensive.
    I don't know about Easter but maybe sometime in between?


      Tickets are way too super expensive in Christmas. My family is coming to visit for Thanksgiving and the prices were like half of what they are in Xmas. Easter is a better time, and schools ALWAYS get the entire Semana Santa off, so you could easily visit for a week then


        You guys are totally right; I did some research and tickets are half the price at Easter as they are at christmas! Those would be the two best times for us with school vacations but he's really pushing for christmas mainly so I can stay at his house (which I would love) versus my parents' at Easter and hoping he'll be able to pay for me to go for easter too but I'm pulling for Easter mainly b/c of the price cuz we could afford for me to go once for Xmas but twice for the Easter-time price but we haven't made a decision yet!


          just wanted to give you an update on our situation
          my parents and brothers are going back to costa rica from january to march. when they come back in march they'll stay in the US permanently so i'll probably go for spring/easter break to pack up what's left in my room and visit


            Great! Hope you guys have a great visit



