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First step towards closing the distance!

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    First step towards closing the distance!

    Finally, after months of re-doing, writing and tons of drafts, I was able to send off my university application to the UK. My SO lives in Scotland and I live in Finland, and I applied to give Scottish universities. Three of them are in her area and two a little more far away, so if I only get offers from those two ones, it would still mean LDR... But at least we'd be in the same country!

    I am so excited, because finally this could be true. Assuming I do get into uni. Our hopes have been on 2012 from the beginning, because I was about to apply to university there even if I hadn't met her. So fingers crossed, people!
    "Everyone smiles in the same language."

    woohoo! I am in the same process soon of applying to go to uni in the US

    I hope you find out soon!


      I'm happy and excited for you and I hope everything works out! My fingers are crossed


        Good Luck!
        If you applied to five, then for sure at least one of them is going to accept you

        My boyfriend has applied for uni in Germany, so we can be closer

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          that's great news! hope you hear from them soon
          Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
          And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
          ~Richard Bach

          “Always,” said Snape.


            *fingers crossed*

            Best of luck!


              Thank you, people!

              I'm just a bit nervous and worried due to English being my second language, and psychology being a very competitive subject. But right now I can do nothing but wait and hope for the best.
              "Everyone smiles in the same language."


                Good luck! fingers crossed!
                You'll do better and better with English. Don't worry.


                  Oh that's wonderful! Good luck! Don't worry about the English thing. You'll learn more and more as you're there! You can only improve by immersing yourself!

                  I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


                    Aww, thank you for the reassurance. Altough I am being more worried about the English in my application than the actual usage of it in an every day world. The grammar and language should be near to perfection, and though I had my personal statement checked by two native speaking people and an old English teacher, I'm still scared there was mistakes.
                    "Everyone smiles in the same language."

