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12 days of xmas

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    12 days of xmas

    hi there,

    i've a gift idea of sorts- but it also an amusing topic. what would you do with the 12 days of xmas with your SO? i've noted down what we've done in the past year, and i'm going to be putting it into his homemade cracker to pull on xmas day.

    12th day- 12 tutts a-tutting (he always tutts and sighs at the mess i create)
    11th day- 11 'i love you's
    10th day- 10 guitar hero duos
    9th day- 9 drunken parties
    8th day- 8 lovely texts (all of his texts are nice to get, but there are 8 special ones that touch my heart)
    7th day- 7 sinful smiles
    6th day- 6 cuddling hugs
    5th day- 5 ORGASMS!! (i couldn't think of anything else that could replace the shouting out bout rings; plus it is funny!!)
    4th day- 4 webcam chats (we have 1 a week since i visit once a month)
    3rd day- 3 swimming sessions (he's not big on swimming or excerise in general!)
    2nd day- 2 sexy knickers
    1st day- our own love song
    .....and a kiss that became a hickey!!

    have fun!!