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US gifting and personalized greeting card website

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    US gifting and personalized greeting card website

    Hey guys

    So since it's valentines day coming up i normally use to send my SO a personalized card but i wanted to actually send a gift this time ( via a website) however all the ones i normally use dont send gifts internationally. Does anyone here know of a good reputable US website where i can send a personalized card and gift to my SO who lives in Cali? Im from the UK just to add.

    And yeah i probably should jsut mail a gift myself but knowing me i'd forget. Maybe i'll send a care package instead but i dont even know what to put in it. He doesnt like sweets and snacks, doesnt place much sentimental value in stuff. I normally make him stuff and he prefers it if i gave it to him in person. So hence i think something simple would be best for him.
