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my first creative venture

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    my first creative venture

    Hi. I know we're half way through January but I thought I'd show the presents I made my SO for his birthday and Christmas.

    I have never made anything before so I was surprised I could make some somewhat decent presents. And he liked them so I guess that's all that matters.

    This was for his birthday. It shows our different countries with latitude, longitude and the miles between the two places.
    "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible"- Audrey Hepburn

    I've split the posts up as there are a few images so I thought splitting it up would be easier to read.

    For his Christmas present I made him two pillows since he has a double bed. I got the idea from NonyaB who did a post showing their pillow. Thank you NonyaB for the idea.

    I draw the american flag and the Union jack and then two people holding hands. I wanted to have a globe involved or the outlines of the countries but I thought that would be too difficult so I left it as it is. But I like how it's turned out.

    And on the back I draw Baloo from The jungle book and Tinkerbell. My SO and I have Disney characters as nicknames. I've been Tinkerbell as long as I can remember and that's why it's my profile name as well. My SO is Baloo because we both love the jungle book and I like bears.

    I forgot to take a picture of the other pillow which had tinkerbell on both sides, one flying and the other blowing kisses.

    I hope you like them.
    "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible"- Audrey Hepburn


      It all sounds nice, only I can't see any pictures O_o


        awwww that is so cute! Reminds me of my SO lol cause im from the US and he's from the UK, and he loves the jungle book. Very cute idea though!
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          Ok, I see the pictures now x) Very pretty!


            Great job, they all look so nice!

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


              I love this so much!Did you draw on the pillow with a special pen or a regular?
              And how did you make your first gift?I love it!


                Very cute! Wonderful job!
                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*** So Much Love to Share ***~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                  Not to get clever
                  but with you I see forever
                  But whatever it is,
                  Here's to you,
                  I Love You Kid...


                    The pen I used was a special fabric pen I bought from an art shop. After using it you iron it and it won't fade or wash off.

                    I made my first present by using MDF board. I primed it with white acrylic paint. I had first drawn the design on tracing paper and then transferred it onto the board with carbon paper.
                    I then painted each area using acrylic paint. I hand painted the flags but I could have saved time by printing them off the computer and gluing them down but I liked how they turned out.

                    Sorry for the late reply. I hope this explanation is understandable. lol
                    "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible"- Audrey Hepburn


                      These are fantastic! I especially love the pillowcases--so creative!!
                      "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                        The brand of the fabric pen I used is pebeo setaskrib. I found it really easy to use. My advic though is use something underneath it or between the fabric since the pen does go through. I used a piece of cardboard and it stopped it going onto the other side.

                        I hope that helpful.
                        "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible"- Audrey Hepburn

