Originally posted by Dauntedpoet
I was bummed out because his birthday box was (is) still sitting at the post office, and I knew when I posted that comment, he wouldn't have it for his birthday today. Why? I mean... I timed mailing it perfectly, it arrived the week before his birthday. He should have been able to pick it up last Saturday morning, so we could open it together on cam for his birthday. Unfortunately his company decided that they needed his entire department to work last Saturday to do inventory spur of the moment. So he won't be able to get it until this Saturday AFTER his birthday.
I'm broke.. to quote Jerry Macguire "Did you know (s)he's broke? (s)He is broke and working for you for free! Broke. Broke, broke, broke"... soooooo that meant I couldn't go online and whip up some international delivery order, even IF I could arrange for it to be delivered after he was home from work. Since I am paranoid and worry that his birthday box will get lost in the post, I ALWAYS mail a separate birthday card.. but this year that's all he'd have to open. I was beside myself. This man, who has never had anyone make a fuss over him for ANYTHING.. was going to have another empty birthday.
I was laying awake in bed thinking of him.. and thinking how if we were together his not having presents wouldn't matter.... because I'd just wake him up by bouncing up and down on the bed and singing 'happy birthday' to him, and how I'd keep doing it all day long, whenever the chance arose, when he least expected it. I could see the way he'd roll his eyes at me, pretending to be annoyed, but actually loving the fact that someone FINALLY cared enough to make a fuss.
THAT is when I realized.. I may be 3626 miles away with an ocean between us.. but I can STILL annoy the hell out of him if I REALLY REALLY try hard. Here is what I ended up doing...
I filled ALL of his messengers with HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONGS so when he signed in first thing in the morning.. it would pop up everywhere.
I wrote a totally PERVY birthday limerick and emailed two stanzas to each of his 4 email accounts.. so he had to play treasure hunt.. to find it all.
I set my alarm clock to ring at 1:30am US/6:30 UK so I could hit send on a text to his cell phone singing happy birthday and with the words we say to each other in the morning when we are together...so it would arrive just before/as his alarm clock would go off so it would wake him up.
When I woke up at 6:30US/11:30UK I sent another set of birthday emails to all his accounts each one with a different thing about him that I adore, and a 'coupon' attached he could redeem on cam or in person for a 'treat'
While he was on his lunch break, I used the calling card I have, and called his office line, and left a voice message for him, singing happy birthday. (cost me 12 cents!)
We played email Happy Birthday tag for a few hours while he worked just sending him things to make him laugh..
While he was still at work, I called his HOME phone number and left another voice message singing happy birthday.
Then in the 4 hours between the time he left work.. and the time we start our cam date. I sent him an email with youtube video's of places we've been, and coasters we've ridden.
HE LOVED IT! I LOVED IT! He actually said.. 'Thank you for making a mundane day into the most entertaining birthday I can remember.'
and all it cost me was 25 cents off my calling card!!