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The 'What I love about you' book

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    The 'What I love about you' book

    I read this title a couple of times already on the forum, and I've got one myself too. I get the feeling it is pretty popular to give to your SO, so I was just curious how many of you have got one? Did you give one or receive one? (Or both?) How long did it take you to fill the whole thing out?

    This is the website.

    My SO gave it to me for Christmas, and I immediately ordered one too to give to him. It takes a loooong time to answer all the questions, I think I've already spent about 2 hours and I'm halfway. It is super cute though, so I really want to finish it and send it to him! I loved reading what he wrote, it's such a nice thing to keep and read in ten years. It already contains a lot of memories.

    Me and my SO did this for each other for Valentine's. It was my idea for him, but he was stumped on what to get me, and whilst I was filling his in, it made me really curious what he would write in it. So I asked him if he would do it for me! We both spent aaaaages filling it in, it was really fun (though some of the questions where a bit "..... this is stupid" lol) to fill out and we spent the morning reading what each other wrote.

    It's funny how we answered all the questions differently, and memories one of us needed reminding of came back to the other He'd be reading and be like "I totally forgot I did that, that was a really good day wasn't it?" and I'd read his thoughts on something we'd been through together. It was a really good idea for both of us to do! Whilst some of the questions weren't either of our thing "If the heart of your boss could speak, it would say..." O_O really? But those asking us to remember a time we felt close to the other, or a funny story, or when we really appreciated the other being there etc were really sweet. It really makes you think over all the past of your relationship and I think we both really enjoyed it!

    <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
    <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
    The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
    <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
    <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
    Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
    Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


      I actually ordered one to give my SO. I hope to get it tomorrow so I can fill it out before I see him thursday! It looked cute but I am kinda worried if it will be hard to fill out because reviews said this is for those who have been married for years. But, I am sure I can manage it. I just hope he loves it =)


        Originally posted by Katelyn View Post
        I actually ordered one to give my SO. I hope to get it tomorrow so I can fill it out before I see him thursday! It looked cute but I am kinda worried if it will be hard to fill out because reviews said this is for those who have been married for years. But, I am sure I can manage it. I just hope he loves it =)
        you'll be fine, I've been with my SO just over 2 years and I had no problem filling most of it in. There's like a page of "experiences" which have stuff like "retirement" and "grandchild" on there which aren't really relevant to younger couples, but the rest is fine. The only problems I had was filling in ones like "if you were a kitchen utensil, you would be..." lol Makes you be creative I suppose! lol

        he will love it I promise. We were both reading ours and honestly, neither of us stopped smiling the whole time!

        <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
        <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
        The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
        <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
        <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
        Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
        Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


          Haha! We're both 18 and have not even been together for a year, so I wouldn't worry too much about the being married thing. Just the experiences page, like Nicole said. You indeed just have to be creative!


            ive just ordered this book hopefully it arrives before he leaves for oz next week - been trying hard to think of gifts to give him that wont weigh too much in his case and this seems like a perfect idea i reallyyyyyy love meaningful presents - can someone give me a rough idea of some of the questions there is to fill out just so i have abit of time to think on some of the answers before it arrives -- thanks xx
            morven and christopher <3


              alright, great! I can't wait to get it tomorrow! I have 1 day to fill it out. I think I can manage it!


                That looks really cool, we don't have any special occasions coming up to get him one, but maybe if I get it now I will have lots of time to finish it by october haha.


                  this sounds great! I will see if my SO and I can do this together one day! sounds like fun!
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    I bought the "All About Us" book this week. My SO and I have talked about filling it out together, but we're not sure about how we're going to go about it yet. We've talked about sending it back and fourth and filling out a few pages at a time. We've also talked about filling it out over skype so we can talk about our answers/be in the moment/get the warm n fuzzy giggles out of it on a date night. I've also thought about having him order a copy, filling it out, and then just trading them. Or just photocopying pages to send back n fourth. I feel like its nice to have the answers all together at the end, but at the same time I feel like there's an intention to connect and talk about the things that come up in the books. Like if my guy writes his favorite thing about me is my butt I can be like "oh you dork." and we'll laugh and then move on. I dunno, what's worked for you guys?


                      I'd love to fill in one of these! I guess I'll wait until we have an anniversary or something coming up though, not least because I'll be on a pretty tight budget for some time to come


                        I left this on my SO's desk yesterday before he walked me to my car....when I was driving and he walked back to his dorm he was like what is this book I found? =) He liked it a lot, and thought it was really cute. I found it a little hard to fill out because I am far from creative but I got it done! But, it is super cute and I recommend getting one someday for your SO!!


                          Originally posted by DollOnAMusicBox View Post
                          I bought the "All About Us" book this week. My SO and I have talked about filling it out together, but we're not sure about how we're going to go about it yet. We've talked about sending it back and fourth and filling out a few pages at a time. We've also talked about filling it out over skype so we can talk about our answers/be in the moment/get the warm n fuzzy giggles out of it on a date night. I've also thought about having him order a copy, filling it out, and then just trading them. Or just photocopying pages to send back n fourth. I feel like its nice to have the answers all together at the end, but at the same time I feel like there's an intention to connect and talk about the things that come up in the books. Like if my guy writes his favorite thing about me is my butt I can be like "oh you dork." and we'll laugh and then move on. I dunno, what's worked for you guys?
                          You will have to let me know what you think about the book! I read some pretty bad reviews about it on amazon so I definitely would like to hear what you think about it and if you would recommend it!!


                            I would love to do something like this! I've done something sort of similar where I wrote him a letter and then listed 100 reason why I love him and he really liked it. I'll have to check this out. P:

