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Easter BF diabetic

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    Easter BF diabetic

    Hey people, I live in Brazil and my BF in England, so I think that is hard to send food from here to there.. (I sent a normal letter 2 weeks ago and he didn't receive it yet).
    And another problem: He is diabetic and have coeliac disease (can't eat gluten).
    So I don't know what can i give him and how can I make it get there.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks and sorry my bad english.

    Maybe you could send him something via the internet... like an e-card. and you could make a presentation of slides or a mini video/film of all your pictures and have his favourite song playing in the background?... that solves the issue of long postal times and also you dont necessarily have to but him food! It can be an easter surprise and maybe the film could have an easter theme to it?

    I'm not that good at coming up with original ideas but hope this helps!!

    Good lyck


      Don't send things from your place over the ocean. That will take months, not weeks.

      Your best bet will be to research online retailers that are close to his location and purchase something online from them that can be delivered to him locally. This is probably save you money on shipping, anyway. Since international and over the ocean can be quite an expense.


        Hi Larii, my SO has the same issues. Best solution. you can get anything sent directly to him from there and pay for it from your end. So it doesn't have to be food. If you want to send food, just casually ask him what he likes, if he is type 1, you might be surprised at what he can eat and dose for. OR I send my SO's sister who has both diseases as well, a cheese and sausage variety basket.. she loves it.

        Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
        And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


        Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


          There might be an Edible Arrangements near him. You could order him a fruit arrangement (some have chocolate, but they should have plain fruit as well) and they'd be able to deliver it right to his front door.

          Married: June 9th, 2015


            Thanks people! I bought him a wallet from amazon
            And I sent him a letter + CD with some songs and he loved it

