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Simple Birthday/Anytime Gift

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    Simple Birthday/Anytime Gift

    I'm making this for my man. His birthday is this weekend and I am lucky enough to see him! So I'm writing little notes on fun paper (scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby is only about 40 cents a page for an 8.5x11!) I got some ribbon ($1) and a glass bottle ($2 with my 40% off coupon) with a cork in it-so I'm cutting up the paper with the notes on it and rolling them and tying them with the ribbon. Little messages in a bottle. So, it's inexpensive too! ($5 for every thing)

    My man loves the homemade gifts I have given in him. (He still has the Valentines I gave to him for our first Valentine's Day!) Just thought if there were other ladies (or guys!) out there who were looking for a sweet idea to give to their SOs for an upcoming birthday/anniversary/just because, here ya go.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.

    I think that's wonderful. I'm planning to give my SO a message in a bottle as a present for one of our anniversaries, but I always thought I'd buy a ready made one (i.e. with the company writing my message on the paper and popping it into the bottle). I like the idea of putting the whole thing together yourself though, it seems more personal and thoughtful somehow. Maybe I'll give it a try if I'm feeling brave

    Have a great time with your guy, by the way. A very Happy Birthday to him!


      It's much more fun, in my opinion, to get homemade gifts. you could even put a picture of the two of you in the bottle! anything you can put on paper/roll up and fit into the bottle i'd say is fair game. plus the homemade gifts do add that extra touch of you (and in our LDR, that little extra bit of "you" goes a long way).

      if you're stuck on ideas, here are a couple links for sweet quotes/sayings to use:

      BrainyQuote has a lot of really good ones, on all different topics. You can even find quotes by holiday or author.

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.


        Great idea! I'm definitely going to do this!

