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    So I made cookies and I want to send some over to the the other side of Canada. For those of you who have sent cookies before, how do you package it so they don't get crushed?

    I put them in a hard container. Should keep them safe.


      I sent my SO 3 jars of different cookies. I put them in an airtight container like the pic in this link:

      I chose glass so that he could make cookies for me and we would send them back and forth. They have non glass ones as well. Also, as a tip take some bread and put it on the top of the inside of the container before you close the lid. This will keep the cookies soft and prevent them from getting hard. I was nervous about it, but having the bread worked well.
      Last edited by Neme; June 4, 2012, 08:57 PM.


        I bought a plastic cookie tin and layered it with waxed paper. then I put a layer of cookies down and added more paper and so on. when the tin is opened there should be waxed paper facing you. if you run out of cookies fill the rest of the container with the paper. then tape it very good. some cookies ship better than others. pb cookies are wonderful to ship!

