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Here's a great idea for a surprise

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    Here's a great idea for a surprise

    I'm not sure where I got this from, but I thought it was pretty clever. Look up pizza places where your SO is. Find one that delivers, and pay via credit card, for a delivery order to your SO! It doesn't have to be pizza, if ya'll have a special delivery food (Chinese food, deli-sandwiches, etc...), or you know their favorite delivery place where they are, you could do that as well. Lots of room for creativity. I hope someone can use this!

    Food is a great idea! Before my SO and I met, he was having a horrible day. He's on this bacon kick... I don't know what's wrong with him, so gross (I'm a vegan, so extra yuck from me!). His son is into it too, and looking at I see a lot of people must be in on this bacon craze. So on this awful day, I googled his zip code, just to see who delivered what. I ventured into a flower shop website that delivers, and saw a rather adorable pink plush pig. I typed up a little gift note about hoping some vegan bacon would help his day, and a couple hours later the delivery driver took it to his door and totally surprised my SO. It was so cool to decide to do something and have it done, not wait for days for the mail.

    Definitely going to look into food next time! Thank you for the idea! It will put something non ramen in his stomach!

    Oh, on a side note, my SO had the pig in his living room, and his mother came by his apartment and was like, why do you have a plush pig...? Lol that was when he told her about us, I guess it was the ice breaker he needed?


      I don't have a credit card D: But food is an incredible idea. And my SO is crazy about pizza xD I'll definitely look into it Thank you for the idea!
      All relationships go through shit.
      Real relationships get through shit.


        I did this for my SO a couple of weeks ago, I ordered him a pizza and some chocolate cake He was very surprised and pleased, and said he'd never had food ordered for him from 600 miles away before Unfortunately I had to then sit and watch him scoff it on Skype when I didn't have any food!


          Thank you thank you for this post, I am in Australia my SO in Atlanta USA and has had a rough couple of days at work, I got into work this morning and found a delivery place and ordered and paid online and he just received it and was so surprised and so happy he has now been sending me videos of him playing his guitar and singing to me and I can not wipe the smile off my face.....thank you again
          ​Yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever


            I ordered a cheese hamper for my boyfriend's birthday, had it delivered to his office. He was over the moon about it!

            Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


              I did try that once but alot of places need to see the card used at the door, I even hounded the company on twitter to help me find a way to make it happen... no such luck but it really is a great idea.
              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                I wish I could! My SO loves pizza but rarely gets it because it's expensive. It would be a great treat for him.
                Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                Engaged: 09/26/2020


                  This is a great idea! I think I might have to do this sometime soon... (:


                    My SO recently just did this, lol I think it's amazing you can do this when your thousands of miles away.
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      My boyfriend got me Italian food a couple of times when I wasn't feeling good - and then when he visited we ordered it again just so he could taste what he had been buying me.

                      A kinda workaround if the delivery companies need to see the card at the door: see if you can get e-gift cards delivered to your SO. It's not as nice as surprising them with the food, but it's a nice gesture and they can treat themselves to their favorite food on your dime.
                      So, here you are
                      too foreign for home
                      too foreign for here.
                      Never enough for both.

                      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                        Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
                        My boyfriend got me Italian food a couple of times when I wasn't feeling good - and then when he visited we ordered it again just so he could taste what he had been buying me.

                        A kinda workaround if the delivery companies need to see the card at the door: see if you can get e-gift cards delivered to your SO. It's not as nice as surprising them with the food, but it's a nice gesture and they can treat themselves to their favorite food on your dime.
                        I asked about that too but they dont take card payments online you have to do it instore and again they need the actual card. Atleast i know if someone gets my card details they'll be screwed if they wanted to order pizza lol
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          I'm sorry to hear that - the local pizza place needed to see the card at the door here, so my boyfriend got my a gift card instead and that worked fine. I guess different countries do things differently!
                          So, here you are
                          too foreign for home
                          too foreign for here.
                          Never enough for both.

                          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                            that's such a great idea

