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Needing Help with Material Type

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    Needing Help with Material Type

    Hi everyone,

    I decided for Valentine's Day I'm going to make my SO a bracelet with a key, and I would make myself one with a lightweight lock. He said once that I have the key to his heart (cheesy, I know, but I loved it) and I wanted to show him that he has the key to mine as well. Anyway, my SO is pretty active, and I am wanting to make the bracelet out of a material that isn't super expensive but won't unravel or become worn easily. Does anyone have any idea what type of string, rope, or other material that I could use?

    Thank you all!

    To read our love story, click here.

    nice piece of leather? what material is the key going to be? how what when and where
    dont exactly understand what you want to make?
    (i am a hobby goldsmith)
    is the key going to be on top? is it handy with getting caught on stuff, is a key pendant not easyer etc etc


      I'm making us bracelets. The key and lock will be actual keys and locks, not fake pendants or whatnot. They will be metal and may dangle from the bracelet unless I think of a better idea. I've never made this before, so I don't know if the key will get hung on something. I don't see how it could though. The lock and key will be small. Hopefully about the size of a lock set you would buy to put on a suitcase. They won't be very big at all. That is, if I find what I have in mind. Oh, and I don't really want leather because I fear it will be too warm. I should have stated that in my first post, but leather didn't occur to me.
      Last edited by kria; January 31, 2013, 08:04 PM.

      To read our love story, click here.

