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Valentines Day video?

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    Valentines Day video?

    So this is only my third post of this site I think, I kind of just stalk posts, I don't really post much, haha, But I am in a bit of a conundrum with Valentines Day. :/ My boyfriend is in the Navy and is stationed in San Diego. I'm only a few hours away from him, but do to my parents being so strict, driving down to see him isn't an option. Because he is on a ship, the mail is a hassle and he won't even give me his address to send him anything. My friend gave me the idea of making him a video and posting it to his Facebook. I love the idea, because I can't stand the thought of not doing anything besides a text. I'll probably just private message it to him though instead of making it public. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what to say/put in the video? We have been having a rough couple weeks due to him working so much and not really talking, so I'd like to make it as heartfelt and happy as I can. We will be dating for two years in June, I don't know if that's important information, haha.

    Some of my ideas were:
    -decorate my wall with hearts and such for a background
    -throw out a Valentines Day pun (I find puns hilarious and he goes along with them. )

    aaaaaand that's about it...I'm not creative whatsoever. :/

    Although I will be 18 on Valentines Day, I don't want to do anything raunchy...Also, how long should the video be? I don't want to bore him with a 15min long video, but I don't want it to be super short either like I didn't put time into it...

    Any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns, jokes, criticism, ect would be awesome.

    Thank you!

    Think of him and what would please him to see. How would you talk with him on Valentine's Day, if you could? Use those ideas. Try singing a song or reading a love poem to him. He'll appreciate your efforts, I'm sure. A video is very cool, because he can keep it and watch it over and over. Hope it turns out perfect for you. Good luck.


      I think anything that's near and dear to the two of you is good to include. One of my friend's then fiancé made her a video and posted it to her facebook page when he was deployed, Christmas 2012. His was only a few minutes and he just told her how much he loved her and couldn't wait to start their life together when he returned. Since you're going to do a private video, you can talk about anything! You could have a song, or if the two of you have a special song, playing in the background. I think a short poem and a description of what you'd be doing on Valentine's Day if you were together would be nice. I think he will love the effort and the idea
      Our love story:
      Attended the same high school 2004-2007
      Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
      Reconnected: August 2012
      Began dating LD: November 2012
      Engaged! March 2014
      Closing the distance: December 2015


        I like the writing/reading him a poem idea. I'm not very good at those type of things, but that might make it all the better and cheesy. Our song according to him is "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'" by Queen, (don't ask me why...I still don't quite know, lol.) That might be kind of funny to play in the background? Another idea I just thought of and have been playing around with was possibly doing a "14 Reasons Why I Fell In Love With You" thing. Like I would start on the 1st of February and record a 2-3min video on one reason I fell in love with him and continue doing that until the 14th. Then combined them all into one movie and send it to him. However for our six month anniversary, I made him a "52 Things I Love About You" book out of a deck of cards. So I don't know if the 14 Reasons is maybe a little repetitive...


          All of the things suggested sound so wonderful! The idea of a poem is verrrry sweet and romantic. But mm, you said that you've done the "** things I love about you" but you shouldn't worry about it being repetitive! I'm sure he'd love to hear you say them too or if you are worried about it being repetitive try to think of different things that you didn't say previously. When I usually do videos I talk about the future and the past and the present (about us). I think it's pretty boring and repetitive but he loves it and it makes him happy. I also like to quote songs or books or films we both love that is relevant at the time. (P.S. thanks for giving me ideas for my SO Valentines video! :P)
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