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Cute craft ideas?

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    Originally posted by Mannequin View Post
    I'm thinking of making my bf a recipe binder that includes some of our favorite recipes. He can use it when we have our skype dinner dates.
    What a great idea! I think my bf would like that! I may have to steal your idea...
    First met online: June, 2010
    First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
    Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
    Third visit together: August, 2012
    Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
    Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
    Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
    Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


      For Valentines Day this year I got a plain white photo box and got a bunch of different sticker appliques so they pop off the box. Most of them were Valentine related but on the front of the box on one side it was a bunny and the other was a monkey for our nicknames. Inside the box has love quotes, date ideas, movie picks, my choice, his choice, etc. there are enough for 1 pick each day for the whole year. It was a lot of to make. I'm working on quilting a blanket for xmas for him right now.


        thats too good.... great....


          i love making stuff for my SO. I get ideas based on passing comments hes said. one time he mentioned this sash you'd get on a TV reality show from the early 80s; it had "GOD'S GIFT" written on it. So i bought the same coloured ribbon for the sash, white felt to make the lettering and some glittery edging. He was AMAZED and said it was a exact likeness

          I also gave him a golden record (a 2nd hand vinyl i had painted) because he is a DJ and hasn't gotten any recognition from his workplace about his role.

          my next prjoect is a rubix cude- but with a picture twist. I am going to print out pics of my own and his top 5 celeb gals' boobs on it.. rudix cube!!! my only terror is getting the prints done.. as i don't have a home printer!!


            Everyone is so talented! Ahhhh, I am super inspired now XD
            Love knows not distance, time, or logic.

            Evan & Megan <3



              If you can sew, fleece hats are very inexpensive, quick to make, and customizable. You can use whatever pattern or color fleece you want, add eyes and details made of felt, and add ears or whatever. This is a very easy to follow guide that I used when I first started making them.


                Inspired by Kind NotesKind Notes I did something similar to the bad day box, I wrote 50 small notes with things to make him smile (everything from cheesy pick-up lines to reasons why I love him) and put it in a glass jar so he can just read a note whenever he feels down.
                I too love knitting, last year I made him a knit shirt for his birthday but i also made him two set of gloves, one pair of socks and a hat. How else would he learn how to dress for Finnish winters? Currently I'm working on another pair of socks, we have come to realize he needs a pair here as well...
                As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts we also celebrated our anniversery by making our own pillowcases. I bought 4 plain white pillowcases (costed only 7€) and some good quality pens for writing on fabrique (about 6:50) and we doodled cute little nothings on them and exchanged them.
                Since I have taought my SO to cook I like to write down recepies for him of dishes I think he would like and decorate them, even if it happens a bit too rarely, and/or coach him through the cooking through Skype when he gets down to the kitchen
                We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                  I embroidered a Lady Elizabeth Afghan. It was much heavier than a regular piece of aida cloth and took longer than I thought.
                  Last edited by joy; January 28, 2013, 01:44 AM.


                    Originally posted by DelicateMelodies View Post
                    I saw this in a online store, for purchasing custom items. But this is craft you can do so easy yourself!

                    All you have to do is:
                    1. Count how many letters are in your name plus his. Then choose some favorite pictures of you and him that equal that amount (plus one more for the heart between your names) All your photos can be of the 2 of you together, or it could be all photos of you for your name, all photos of him for his name, with the heart in the center being a picture of both of you together. Or (and this one is good if you two have no photos of you together) switch back and forth between each letter, you being the one letter and him being the next letter.
                    2. Edit all the pictures to be black and white
                    3. Print them out and cut them into letters, or if you are handy with the computer make them into letters on the computer first- then cut them out.
                    4. Find a picture frame the correct size for the words, with a couple extra inches left over on the length and height.
                    5. Find construction paper in the color you want for the background. For a more high-end look choose wallpaper material or fabric for the background instead (in a solid color or in a nice pattern if its not too busy).
                    7. A. Tutorial for making a wallpaper background:
                    B. Tutorial for making a fabric background:
                    8. Then glue on your photo letters (if you are using fabric for the background, you could use iron on transfer paper instead and print out your letters on that- no awkward gluing involved)
                    9. All done!
                    This is freaking amazing!
                    "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


                      Found this website to make this:

                      Great for sending in an envelope
                      "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


                        Originally posted by SJ22 View Post
                        This is freaking amazing!

                        "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


                          I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with the game Kingdom Hearts, but I made my boyfriend a keyblade a few years ago for Christmas and he loved it.


                            I am sure these are repeats, but I just wanted to share!
                            I LOVE getting creative with gifts.
                            I always decorate the heck out of his care package boxes! I mean SUPER cheesy!
                            I also did this one thing where I got a bunch of envelopes and labled them different things.
                            ex: Open on a rainy day, Open when you miss me, Open when you "need a hand"... etc
                            In each envelope was anything from a letter, to a post it of one of my favorite memories of ours, to naughty photos!


                              I never noticed I forgot to add the picture with my previous post
                              After seeing this

                              I made my own
                              "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


                                Originally posted by jennyjellybeans View Post
                                Has anyone ever heard of "The String Doll Gang"? It's these adorable little string people sells for about 10 bucks each. xP

                                Anyway! I really wanted to make string dolls of me and my SO. I'm trying to make my SO's string doll a little firefighter outfit to go over his clothes since he's a volunteer firefighter.

                                So instead of ordering a custom one, I figured I'd just make my own little "mini us". I'm going to give him the "mini-me" string doll and I get to keep his. Then everytime we meet we can bring them together. <3 Hope you guys think their cute, here's their picture (sorry for the bad quality, took it on my ipod):

                                Oh my hahaha!! i totally love this idea and i'm going to have to make one for my SO as a little xmas present.
                                not too sure if i should make one of him too so that he can laugh about it... hmmm. i love this idea so much!

