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Locking anklet, and birthday presents!

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    Locking anklet, and birthday presents!

    He made this for me and gave it to me when he was just up:

    (spoiler'd in case it stretches the screen)

    It's an aluminum band with his initials and the year we started dating on it. It's glued shut with JB Weld so it's not coming off! Sorry the picture is blurry, my good camera is out in the car so I used my phone.

    For my birthday I'm getting to see him for real! School ends a couple weeks before my birthday and he's going to fly up and drive back down with me while we stop along the way to see cool stuff. The way I have it planned, it just so happens that the day we make it back to Florida is my birthday! Happy birthday to me indeed!

    For his birthday I'm getting him this, as long as it comes out in time...

    A Transmetropolitan art book!

    He loves Transmet... in fact as soon as I started reading it I realized why he does a lot of things he does, whether on purpose or not... The main character reminds me so much of Matt, it's amusing. He got me hooked on it too... now I just hope they print these books in time for his birthday!

    But, here's the thing..... I like making gifts for him, and it's something we do a lot. So what is something I could make for him? I sew a lot, and can pick up just enough of pretty much any craft to be able to make something tolerable as long as the equipment isn't prohibitively expensive.

    Does anyone have ideas?