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Gift Idea

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    Gift Idea


    I've been dating my boyfriend for nearly three months and it's coming up on his birthday. I'm at a complete loss as to what to get him for a gift. As I'm a university student, I don't have a lot of money to spend. I'm paying for the flights to go see him, but I feel like I still need some sort of tangible gift. I thought you guys might be able to help.

    If it helps, he's 21 and enjoys music, movies, and sports. Any suggestion is fine as I'm really just brainstorming right now.

    Well since its only been three months I'd say go with something small. He may not even expect you to get him anything...Maybe get a movie that he has been saying that he wants or a CD or some sort of memorabilia from his favorite team


      If you don't really wanna spend anything, maybe you could write him a cute letter and just kind of spill your guts
      Or go to the dollar store/Walmart/Wherever and just find some stuff (like candy, notebooks, cheesy little cheap games) that he might like, or that he just might get a kick out of.
      Or! Give him a 'photo' tour of where you live or your daily routine. You can print them out and send them to him or email them. Photo taking is very cheap n.n


        Yeah, I'd go with the CD or DVD idea as well. Those are not too expensive. You could buy him a movie and include some microwave popcorn, potato chips or some candy bars. That way he could make his very own movie night!


          I love these ideas. I didn't want to do anything too extravagent seeing as we haven't been together too long. I really like the movie idea!

