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365 Reasons I Love Him

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    365 Reasons I Love Him

    Our 1 year anniversary is in exactly 2 months!!! =] That being said, I've been working on my present for him since March. I've been writing 365 reasons I love my boyfriend and putting them in a glass jar I hand-painted and decorated for him. I'm up to about 250 or so. I was thinking of writing the reasons on pieces of paper, possibly cutting them into little hearts, but then I was talking to someone I work with and she was saying the papers could eventually get lost or crumple or get ruined. She suggested I get them engraved in rocks, but that sounds really expensive, and I'm a college student so money is hard to come by. Any ideas as to what I should put the reasons on?

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

    What about using like card stock paper? Its a little thicker and won't crumble as easily. And as long as he puts them back in the jar after reading, they should last


      That's a good idea! =] Thank you!

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        I"ll be sending mine to my Bf on monday and like you i'ma college student i wrote them and put them in a jar but i also so he can keep it as a keepsake printed them out on fancy card stock paper and made them into a homemade book of sorts with a homemade cross word puzzle and out favorite song i hand wrote. It not about expensive its about giving it to him in a way that screams its from you and a hand panted jar that will be meaningful to him. I wrote cute little saying on the jar i'm sending my BF.


          I did this! except i did 112 reasons cuz that's how long my SO has been gone. He loves it!


            I'd do them on the inside of origami paper cranes, if you're good with that stuff. I think I would do it like that, if it comes time for me to plan a 1 yr gift.

