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Gift package help/ideas

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    Gift package help/ideas

    Hey all,

    After my SO and I next meet it will be a while before we can see each other again - he will have to go away with work for a month at least. : (
    As there will be a significant time difference and we work full time weeks it won't allow for much chatting. (We currently live 260 miles apart in the UK so talking has never been an issue)

    Neither of us are very romantic and the thought of writing a love letter seems rather intense for our relationship, but a gift sounds like fun. I was thinking of starting things off by sending him one whilst were still in the UK to see what he thinks. My ideas so far are..

    Baked goods - possibly cookies as they keep better
    A postcard/note from me
    Things of his we purchased and he forgot (seems like a valuable reason to post a parcel, in case he thinks i'm silly : ) )

    But that doesn't seem like much? I'm really stuck for ideas :/ I want to do something special but not seem too suffocating as I see him every 3 weeks normally.


    hmm i saw my BF every day until i got my new job and forced to move up north- simialr situation to you.. UK, 200 odd miles apart, not the most overly-soppy couple. i've only just started to send him stuff!

    what bout making a video on a USB stick and sending it to him- or creating fun-vouchers you can use when together. ie, owe SO 10 hugs. ... 1 webcam dinner date .. you get the picture.

    is he moving to a place colder than where you are now? could make him a scarf!! and the baking is a awesome idea. i've never knwn my BF to turn down a sweet treat!! create a online photo album you can both add to and comment.. its always nice to see things your SO is up to.

    and sending stuff he forgot isn't silly- it shows your thoughful and supportive without molly coddling.
    there are a number of idea posts on here that might help too. all the best and have fun creating. xx

