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When gift giving goes wrong

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    When gift giving goes wrong

    Walking through the mall today I noticed a Reef flip flop store. I got all excited because I love reefs and pointed it out to my SO. Who then went on to diss the flip flops and everyone who wears them for the next 10 minutes. What he doesn't know is I bought him a pair of reef flip flops for Christmas. I plan to give them to him anyways and tell him "look, now you can look like an 18 year old douche bag! Just what you always wanted right?" And if he truly hates them, I'll wear them.

    So have you ever got something or given you (or the receiver) hated? What do you do about it?

    i got my little sister a really pretty porcelain doll, and we were talking about the version i have and she said "youre lucky april is pretty, may looked so awful, it was the ugliest one i have ever seen."

    but that was expensive, so she will still be getting it.

    that being said its prettier in person than the online version was.


      My ex once built up my excitement about my birthday present for MONTHS as if it was something awesome and for some reason I guessed it was a fish tank and he didn't *discourage* that thought so I was soooo excited. And then it turned out to be one of those explorer pith helmets? Like... WHAT? WHY?! I was pretty good at pretending to be happy though haha.

      To this day I have no idea why he bought me one of these. He was so excited about it too. Hahaha! I made sure to "forget it" when I moved out and he's stuck with it now which I think suits him fine, since he liked it more than I did anyway :P


        So glad ive never been in this situation! although, ive been bought something i hate and had to open it infront of them! I just acted all happy and as if i loved it. i dont have the heart to say i didnt like it! lol plus, thats rude so i kept my mouth shut

