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any victoria sponge recipes?

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    any victoria sponge recipes?

    hehe. well.

    every year, on his birthday, i would make him a chocolate cake. triple layer. hehe.

    *sadly* the SO doesn't see the true remarkability of getting 3 layers of cake in 1 (oh well, ill make it for someone else), but instead has asked for a victoria sponge cake, which is fair enough as heck, its his birthday :P

    does anyone have any good recipes for victoria sponge? i always ask on yahoo answers or on a forum im on if anyone knows... want nothing bt the best for my baby hehe.

    the sponge cake would have a jam filling, and maybe butter icing on top. im stuck for how im going to write something on the top, bt if theres a will theres a way!

    thanks xx

    p.s its also very special as his grandma used to do exactly the same... she passed 3 years before we dated, so somehow ive withheld the tradition... so its special to him for 2 different reasons

    The one i use, and my mum uses, and my grandmother (etc)
    6oz sugar
    6oz margerine
    6oz self raising flour
    3 eggs a drop of vanilla essence

    Then just cream the sugar and marg together, and beat well to get air in so its creamy. Then add the eggs and beat it and make it all creamy. Then add the flour bit by bit being careful NOT to beat it because it will not rise well.

    Cook for like 20 mins or so on about 170/180 degrees in the middle of the oven. When its done, take it out to cool and when its completely cool, put the filling in then ice the top or just sprinkle icing sugar through a sieve
    Its just a standard sponge recipe but it works, and mine always goes really light and fluffy i did it for part of my cooking exam in school and got an A* so ;P
    Hope this is ok!


      Originally posted by Xanahtas View Post
      6oz sugar
      6oz margerine
      6oz self raising flour
      3 eggs a drop of vanilla essence
      this is the base for a "quatre quarts" of "four quarters", as you put the same weight of each ingredient

      we do this cake as a pineapple and cream cake. you'll need a can of pineapple slices, and whipped cream (which ever way you like it ).
      after the sponge is done, cut it carefully in two layers. add the juice of the pineapple can on the bottom half of the cake, uniformly. spread as much whipped cream as yo like on the bottom layer, then place pineapple slices over that. finish off by putting the second layer on top and decorate with pineapple pieces and whipped cream
      Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
      And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
      ~Richard Bach

      “Always,” said Snape.


        Oh forgot to add! Do two of these if you pick that one so you have two cakes to sandwich together! as ioanna said, its like a base, you can add coco powder to it by taking out some flour and making it up to the weight with coco powder then use coco butter icing :P


          ooo, thankyou for the suggestions! his birthday is the 24th december so i have plenty of time to practice :3 ill put some pictures up when i stop procrastinating and catch up on work hehe.

          love and hugs x


            If you wanna write stuff on it, get a piping bag (or if you dont have one, use a strong plastic bag and make a small hole in the end using a knife to cut off the corner) and then you can write stuff on it You can just use normal icing for that too

