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**Waves** Hello

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    **Waves** Hello

    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Ashley, I am 24 and I'm from California.

    I met my SO, Jason, on last November and we've been in a relationship since March 4, 2011. He was going to school in a town just over an hour away-- and we tried to see each other most weekends... but sometimes it was only once a month. (Which, I know is A LOT compared to other LDRs.)

    He's is my first serious relationship...

    This past weekend he graduated from school and since he has yet to find a job-- he moved back in with his parents about 4.5 hours away... this makes for a visit every few months due to money and work schedules. I last saw him 4 days ago... but I already miss him like crazy. Thank goodness the puppy love stage is over!

    Jason is a great guy, (though, like every guy, has a couple minor things I wish were different), but he has A LOT of female friends. I totally trust him and I am okay with it... (that is until they rub hanging out with him in my face, whether on purpose or not.) I guess it's normal to be a tad envious, right?

    Anyway... I am VERY fortunate in that he is coming to visit for a week for New Years and then we are going to Las Vegas for a 4 day vacation with his parents. (And after this I don't know when I will see him again,... that makes me SO sad.) (Though, his mother claims to like me, she told told him to break it off at one point because she didn't think we could handle the distance when he moved back home... WTH, really???) So... I am a little weary about vacationing with them... any tips?

    I look forward to meeting everyone!

    Hey! Welcome to LFAD!
    Everybody here is so nice, I hope you enjoy the site.
    Best of luck for you and Jason


      Hey, Welcome to the forums.
      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


        Welcome Enjoy new years with Jason!


          Welcome to LFAD

