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    I've been lurking for a while. I originally registered this account to just browse the forums...but I suppose I should introduce myself now that I'm actually in a LDR again.

    I'm 24, and live in Canada. I'm in college for the second time. My boyfriend lives in the US and is also a student.
    He was 2k+ miles from me but recently moved closer. 530ish doesn't seem quite so bad. At least we're in the same timezone now.

    We met online when we were 18 and were together for about a year, visiting back and forth.
    Things ended rather badly and we stopped talking.

    We hadn't spoken in about four years.

    I dated other people. I was even in another LDR for a while.


    A few months ago I logged into Facebook and saw I had a new private message.
    It was from him, saying he needed to talk to me. I was pretty surprised and wasn't quite sure what to do, but ended up giving him my number.

    We reconnected instantly and talked for hours that night. He told me later that he had originally intended to take it slow, be friends, and get to know each other again... but as soon as he heard my voice that idea went right out out the window. After that we communicated daily through texts and skype calls.

    He came to visit me for two weeks. We said goodbye yesterday.

    I miss him so much. I forgot how awful it feels when a visit ends.

    #2's really great that you guys got back in touch again after all that time! Welcome to LFAD


      That's cool that you guys were able to get back in touch Welcome!


        Welcome to LFAD! Cool story

