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What am I getting myself into??

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    What am I getting myself into??

    Hm. Ok, so... To be honest, I don't even know what I'm doing here. All I can say is that I'm scared as hell. I'm terrified. I never tought this could happen to me, and never really believed this kind of relationship could work. Basically, I'm a seventeen year old brazilian girl who is in love with an american guy. We met on chatroulette on September 2011, and we've been talking ever since. At first, it was something casual, we would just flirt and that was it. But now things are getting deeper, and we both have developed feelings for each other. He's probably the most amazing and kind person I've ever met, and we share the same thoughts about a million different things. I could go on and on about this guy, but I guess you understood it already. There's a strong chance we will be meeting for the first time this July. I could really use some advice, and maybe some motivational words. Also, I would really like to hear about your experiences and if your story is any similar to mine. (:

    So yeah, thank you very much for taking your time to read this and please excuse any grammar mistakes. See you!

    Take it one step a time, one day at a time. I can imagine how scary it must be being so young but look at it this way, he just might be the love of your life? Worth a try to see how it goes. And meet face-to-face will either validate your online chemistry or tell you maybe it won't work. So the fact that you might be meeting in July is wonderful!

    I met my fiance on a UK/Irish chat site over a year ago. We decided that we wouldn't really get serious until after meeting face-to-face. That's just us though - I have seen many successful relationships come about and they haven't even touched yet - that's amazing and wonderful as well!

    The distance can get hard - believe me - but for me, knowing there's an endpoint makes it tolerable. He's planning to move to my side of the pond (I'm in America, he's from England) in August. The process is stressful and tedious but I think it's all worth it to have him with me for the rest of my life. I don't regret the long distance for a second!

    Good luck to you - and take use of this forum and website. It really does wonders for anyone in a LDR

    Met: November 19, 2010
    Tim came to Texas: April 27, 2011
    Made it official: April 29, 2011
    Lori went to England: September 21, 2011
    Mini trip to Paris: September 22, 2011
    Tim popped the question: September 22, 2011
    K-1 Visa approved!: May 21, 2012
    Closed the distance!: July 26, 2012
    Got married: September 22, 2012


      Yea, most of us probably never thought that we would be in this position and be in an LDR. Whether you met online, on a vacation or (like me) have known each other forever and something finally clicked. Either way, it is rough and you just have to go with it.

      Communicate your feeling whether they are good or bad. Remember to not take you frustration of the distance out on you SO. Just breathe.

      Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

      I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


        My boyfriend is in your position-- He is from Peru and I am the American. And you know, I didn't think I really wanted to do the whole LDR thing again (and in Peru!), but I loved him too much to give him away. There are actually quite a few people here either from Brazil of with SOs from Brazil, and we have a South America forum under the Travel section.

        My advice is to be honest. For some reason, a lot of couples keep secrets or lie to one another, especially about little things, but in the end, little things bring them down. So I would tell you to be honest about everything. Temporary problems are much better than long-term problems.

        As for meeting, please please please apply for your visa early! My boyfriend has been rejected twice now and it has ruined our plans to meet. ):
        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
        Engaged: 09/26/2020


          People meet a million different ways these days, and every relationship is different. I've had people tell me that I'm not in a real relationship, because I don't get to see my SO everyday, or sleep next to them, or deal with their annoying habits, etc. But you know what I say to that? I'm in a relationship that is so much harder than normal ones. People in LDRs don't get to fight face to face, or learn about each other over candlelight dinners. We have to do EVERYTHING with a huge distance between us and to me, that makes this kind of relationship much stronger than most.

          If you love him, and you think he's the one for you, don't give up and don't get discouraged by the distance. Trust me, it will make both of you stronger in the end, and your relationship will flourish when you are finally together in person because of everything you have been through. People in LDRs grasp at any chance they get to see the one they love, while people in normal relationships might take them for granted. I'm not saying that people in normal relationships don't go through a lot, I'm just saying that LDRs are so much more difficult and if you're in one, you should be proud of it.


            Originally posted by Captivated View Post
            Take it one step a time, one day at a time. I can imagine how scary it must be being so young but look at it this way, he just might be the love of your life? Worth a try to see how it goes. And meet face-to-face will either validate your online chemistry or tell you maybe it won't work. So the fact that you might be meeting in July is wonderful!

            I met my fiance on a UK/Irish chat site over a year ago. We decided that we wouldn't really get serious until after meeting face-to-face. That's just us though - I have seen many successful relationships come about and they haven't even touched yet - that's amazing and wonderful as well!

            The distance can get hard - believe me - but for me, knowing there's an endpoint makes it tolerable. He's planning to move to my side of the pond (I'm in America, he's from England) in August. The process is stressful and tedious but I think it's all worth it to have him with me for the rest of my life. I don't regret the long distance for a second!

            Good luck to you - and take use of this forum and website. It really does wonders for anyone in a LDR
            Yeah. We've been talking about this whole LDR thing for a while now, but none of us have really experienced it before, so I guess that's why we are a bit scared. There was this one day he told me he had been thinking about asking me out, but after we discussed it a little, we decided it would be better if we just waited til July. I guess that's when we will be able to tell how strong our feelings are, even though we already feel pretty devoted to each other. I'm glad to know we are not the only ones who think it is better to wait a little!!

            And by the way, it is a wonderful thing that he is moving to your side of the pond!! For how long have you been dating? And how was it when you guys met for the first time? By the way, don't worry, August is just around the corner, and soon enough you will be able to share every little moment of your life with him!! I wish you guys the best, and would really like to hear more about your story. I'm pretty sure I'll be taking a lot of use out of this website. It is great to know that so many people are going through the the same situation!

            Xx. (:


              Originally posted by Bethypoo View Post
              Yea, most of us probably never thought that we would be in this position and be in an LDR. Whether you met online, on a vacation or (like me) have known each other forever and something finally clicked. Either way, it is rough and you just have to go with it.

              Communicate your feeling whether they are good or bad. Remember to not take you frustration of the distance out on you SO. Just breathe.

              Thank you very much for the advice! I can see why it would be rough, but for some reason I feel like he's worth the risk! I wish all the best for you and your SO! (:


                Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
                My boyfriend is in your position-- He is from Peru and I am the American. And you know, I didn't think I really wanted to do the whole LDR thing again (and in Peru!), but I loved him too much to give him away. There are actually quite a few people here either from Brazil of with SOs from Brazil, and we have a South America forum under the Travel section.

                My advice is to be honest. For some reason, a lot of couples keep secrets or lie to one another, especially about little things, but in the end, little things bring them down. So I would tell you to be honest about everything. Temporary problems are much better than long-term problems.

                As for meeting, please please please apply for your visa early! My boyfriend has been rejected twice now and it has ruined our plans to meet. ):
                Yay for falling in love with people from South America!! Hahaha, I'm just kidding. How are you guys dealing with the distance? Have you ever been in a LDR before? I'll make sure I visit the travel section, so that I can contact some Brazilian friends. Thank you so much for your advice... I have to agree with you. Honesty is the key. And as for the visa, I will apply for it as soon as possible. Is there any special reason why your boyfriend wasn't able to get his? I would really like to hear more about that! Anyway, wish you the best!

                Xxx. (:


                  Hi, Brazilian, here's a national fellow. My girlfriend is also from the US (What is it with the brazilians and their americans, huh? LOL). Nice to see another person from this country. I've been in an LDR for over 3 years and just recently started a blog about our long story, the link is in my signature.

                  If you need to talk some time, I'm here. I'm not good with motivational words, mainly because of my LDR story. The only thing I have to say is: It is worth the wait. This is basically the only thing I tell people, because I understand waiting. I waited 3 years to meet my girlfriend in person.

                  We also met online and we have similar yet very different lives. Money's short, maturity came late, etc. So, that's why the 3 years. But you seem to have your plans already, so just hang on tight, because it is good!
                  My blog: A revisit of my most successful LDR. Posting the story of us in chapters.

