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Hellos :3

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    Hellos :3

    Hello... I'm not very good with introductions, should see me IRL... LOL

    I'm Val, from Central NY. And my LDL is Dean from Copenhagen Denmark. Close to 4000 miles, 11+ hours by air, 5-6 hour time difference AND around 10 years age difference. I often wonder just how he and I fell in love in the first place. I wasn't looking for someone >.< I'm married, been married since 2005. But Dean and I met on the chat IMVU and... well... feelings. My husband and I have had very very long and hard talks. He understands. He's been nothing but wonderful and supporting through all of this. Honestly, I'm terrified as to how some of you will react to my story... so I think this is all I will write for now.

    Welcome Val


      It is quite an interesting story you've got going, but no one's here to judge, don't worry about that You do what works for you, and no one else has got a say in it.

      Your relationship started on the same day as my parents got married Only over 30 years later xD

      Anyhoo, welcome to the forums, I hope you like it here!


        Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.

        I love you soooo much Luke




            Welcome to LFAD!


              Hey welcome

              "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way"

              First visit 23/08/2012 - 05/09/2012
              Second visit scheduled May 2013
              Ended relationship August 2013

