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Hello Everyone!! A hopeless romantic in need of some serious advice...

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    Hello Everyone!! A hopeless romantic in need of some serious advice...

    So glad I found this blog! Sorry if this post is a little long, but I have a lot of thoughts to share. Thanks in advance for your advice…
    About a month ago some college friends and I attended a student conference in Chicago (where I am from). We met a group of girls from out of state and had a great time hanging out and partying with them all weekend. I met one girl in particular and we had an immediate connection. On the last night we drank and danced into the wee hours of the morning. We had the most amazing conversation as we watched the sunrise over Chicago. We exchanged numbers before she left for their flight back home. The next day we exchanged what I thought were simply obligatory text messages (nice to meet you, etc.) I figured I wouldn't here from her again and tried my best to forget about her. But over the next few days we kept texting each other. I couldn't get this woman out of my head. After a number of relationships and both good and bad experiences, I know the kind of woman I am looking for and she fits the description perfectly. The only problem was the 1,000 miles separating us.

    So I decided to take some action. That weekend we all had talked about visiting the girls for spring break, although I never thought it would actually happen. I brought the idea up to my friends again and we decided to do it. They had other friends in the area and the plan came together perfectly. I told her about the trip and she was very excited about it. We made a list of things we would do together that week. Over the next three weeks we talked almost every day, texting, a few hour-long phone calls. And so just last week my friends and I piled into a car and set off for a fifteen hour spring break road trip.

    I didn't know what to expect, but I was ready for anything. Every possible scenario played out in my head. Maybe I was wrong about everything and she was just being nice. Maybe we would have the most amazing romantic week together and never see each other again. Maybe we would fall madly in love and spend the rest of our lives together. But what happened that week was none of the above. We had a great time although we didn’t see each other as much as we had hoped since she was in school and had a busy week. We went out on the town at night. We held each other so close as we danced to a slow song. We held each other’s hand as we walked through the crowded club. We walked around the city for a few hours, talking and seeing the sights.

    The week was over before I knew it. On the last night I told her how much I liked her and that I wished we didn’t live so far away. We promised to keep in touch and she said she was already planning to come to Chicago over the summer with a friend and we would get together. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but I sensed it wasn’t the right time. And the thought of that kiss haunting me if I never saw her again was too much to bear. We gave each other a big hug and said goodbye.

    Since then we keep talking every day; texting, calling, we had our first Skype date last night. There is no doubt that we like each other a lot. If we lived in the same city things would be different. Most of the post I read here are about existing relationships that turn into LDR’s. But how do two people START a relationship when they live a thousand miles apart. Since the first day we met I knew that this was an amazing women and I had to see her again. But where do I go from here?.......

    First of all, welcome to LFAD! I'm sure you'll get some great advice here and lots of support from all of us.

    Secondly, I'm one of the many couples here that started a relationship long distance. I met my SO on an exchange, and only stayed for a week. We talked a lot and after a month we decided that we would give it a shot, despite the 4000 miles between us. So, it is certainly possible!

    The only thing I can tell you is that you shoudn't rush things. You know the connection is there, and if you just keep in touch who knows what will happen between the two of you. Just believe in it, because everything is possible if you both really want it. Keep talking to each other, and visit when you can. If things feel right, you can start a relationship no matter how far apart you are. Good luck!

