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Hello from New York!

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    Hello from New York!

    Hi Long Distance Relationship gurus,

    This is Spazzed Muse from New York. My friend and fellow LFAD member, Cynical Quixotic recommended I join the conversation.

    I have been with my boyfriend for almost three years. While we went to college together in Maryland and were lucky enough to see each other every day, we have spent considerable time apart. Within a few weeks of our relationship beginning, the boy returned to live with family in CA and prepare to study abroad in Hong Kong and mainland China. In many ways, this defining time apart strengthened and create a deep friendship between us. It was challenging to be 13 hours apart, but we had many phone calls, google chats, and AIM conversations. After he returned to the US and to school, we have had many adventures together, even driving across the United States one winter.

    In May, we both graduated and set off to live in different states: myself in New York with my parents and he, on his own in Maryland starting a new career. While I don't feel it has changed our relationship or weakened it, for the first time since we started dating in 2009, the time spent apart is longer than the time spent together. Our time together is now a weekend or so a month.

    I am intrigued to meet and mingle with others in this lonely boat.

    'Lonely Boat' sounds like an Animal Collective EP.




        Welcome to LFAD!


          Welcome! We're glad to have you!


            Welcome to the forum!


              Welcome to LFAD! I'm in a similar situation as you-I moved for work. (My SO & I are May 2011 grads too!)

              LFAD is a great place to commiserate about the lonely nights/days/weeks, and everyone here is willing to share opinions/advice/encouragement/excitement when asked for/needed.

              2016 Goal: Buy a house.
              Progress: Complete!

              2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
              Progress: Working on it.


                Hehe excellent Cynical, recruiting new members for us xD Welcome to the forums, she has evidently already told you how brilliant it is :P

                ... "Lonely Boat" LOL

                "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                -Miguel De Cervantes

                Read our story HERE


                  Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.

                  I love you soooo much Luke


                    Welcome! I also graduated college in May 2011 and that started my LDR too. I'm originally from Maryland but I'm going to grad school in New York. My boyfriend lives in Virginia and he usually visits for a weekend about every 6-8 weeks. Glad you joined and hope to see you around the site more


                      Welcome to LFAD

