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Dylan & Katelyn

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    Dylan & Katelyn

    Hi everybody!

    My name is Dylan my girlfriend Katelyn and I just joined your forum. We're looking forward to talking to others that understand our issues and concerns being in a LDR. There looks to be a plethora of information here and everybody seems to be very nice and friendly. We can't wait to become contributing members of your community!

    We recently started our LDR. Her first, my second. She lives in Baltimore, MD and I live in Norfolk, VA. We're only 223 miles apart(who's counting, right?) We met on Twitter in May of 2011 when we were both using the same hashtag and I saw one of her tweets and thought she was very funny. We then exchanged a few casual tweets over the next few months, neither of us paying it any mind. Just another random Twitter contact, or so we thought... One night in December I got on Twitter after being away for a good while, Katie tweeted at me to let me know she was glad I got back to posting on Twitter. I tweeted a picture of my dog and I that night and Katie told me I had a cute dog and I wasn't all that bad either. I jokingly confirmed that the dog was much cuter than I. Katie then Direct Messaged me to let me know she thought I was cuter than my dog. We then direct messaged for a couple hours before exchanging phone numbers to text message.

    We both felt an immediate connection and continued to text message back and forth, a lot. Our relationship continued to grow and we became closer and closer. We decided that we were both interested in one another enough to give a LDR a shot but were a bit nervous about it. On March 9th Katie drove down to spend a long weekend with me. From the moment I opened the door to my apartment I knew I wanted to pursue it without question. Katie is an extremely beautiful, intelligent, independent , and funny woman. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.

    We've spent a total of 3 weekends together now and are tying up some loose ends to get on a schedule of seeing each other every other weekend. Alternating turns driving to see the other one. I've cherished every second I've had with her and look forward to every one that has yet to come. We are already talking about closing the distance. I plan to move to Baltimore to be with her when the lease at my apartment is up on March 1st of 2013. I'm extremely nervous about making the move but I know in my heart it's what I truly want to do.

    I know we're not all that far apart and we have it better than a lot of people do. I talk to her every day and we see each other regularly but not being with her everyday is still something thats difficult to deal with.

    ...Sorry for writing a novel for you guys, I just always get excited when talking about her and can't seem to ever say enough.

    Now I'm off to read about some other people's stories, have a nice night(or day depending on where you are)
    I triumphed in the face of adversity
    and I became the man I never thought I'd be
    and now my biggest challenge, a thing called love
    I guess I'm not as tough as I thought I was

    Welcome to LFAD, Dylan & Katelyn! If you're ever looking for advice on your LDR, or even just in general, LFAD is a great place to find it.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      Hi guys, I'm the other half, Katelyn

      Dylan pretty much covered everything... I really just joined twitter to follow my favorite radio deejays and never expected anything like him. Dylan just found this website last night and already we've looked over the Things To Do and it's given us a lot of great ideas. I'm so happy to have a place where people will understand, especially because my family is very old fashioned and when I told them what website we met on they pretty much thought Dylan was a creep. (Even though my using the same website was fine, ha)

      Dylan is an amazingly mature, responsible, stable, loving, caring, bright, funny man. I am truly lucky to have him in my life. I have no idea what I did to do deserve him, but I'm so glad. I am thankful he's willing to move up here to be with me next year (I'm born and raised here, he's moved around a bit). I can't explain the relaxed and calm feeling when I'm with him. We've shared a bunch of interests so far and we hope to share even more.

      I'm so glad he brought this website to my attention, I'm feeling better and more hopeful with everything I read. I've never dated anyone that I haven't known for a while before-hand. But I've never known a feeling this strong before either. (I am so madly in love, this die-hard Ravens fan bought a Lions shirt to wear...)

      He feels the same way I do about foundational things for not only relationships but for family and future and things like that. We're very compatible. We are very much looking forward to being active in this community and helping where we can and being helped.

      Thanks so much
      My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
      It's just me and you
      Put the pedal to the metal
      Baby, turn the radio on
      We can run to the far side of nowhere
      We can run 'til the days are gone


        Hey guys, welcome to LFAD! I hope you like it here (I'm sure you will), and I look forward to seeing both of you around


          Welcome to LFAD!


            Hello to the both of you! Welcome to LFAD!!!


              Hello, hello!! This place is just the best... I'm pretty much addicted and I think Dylan is heading that way... Thanks for all the welcomes and love!

              Oh and Lademoiselle... Dylan and I are amused that you and your SO are in different countries and still 10 miles nearer than him and I are, ha!
              My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
              It's just me and you
              Put the pedal to the metal
              Baby, turn the radio on
              We can run to the far side of nowhere
              We can run 'til the days are gone


                Hi Katelyn and Dylan!
                Your twitter story was so cute to read! The part about the dog made me laugh, haha. Welcome to LFAD


                  Hi guys! Welcome to LFAD, I'm sure you'll love it here, it's an awesome place


                    ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡

