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First Forum Membership

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    First Forum Membership

    Hello LFAD Community,

    I visited this site last year for the first time while looking for some advice in coping with my relationships transition to long distance. It wasn't until a few days ago when I found it again, and really investigated every nook and cranny, that I decided I should join the forum. All the resources provided via the webpage were so relevant and helpful that I figured the forum would be even more so!

    So here's a blurb about how I came to be in a long distance relationship:

    As you can probably gather from my profile information, my SO and I met in high school. We had English together in 11th grade. His then girlfriend was also in the class. And I had been dating someone else for 7 months at the time. We never talked but that's how we first came to know the other existed. Well, the next year (12th grade) we ended up having 2 classes together. We became friends, he broke up with his girlfriend and then he and I became a couple. We got to spend nearly our entire senior year together which I am so thankful for as we got to experience so many milestones in our lives together-- college applications and acceptance letters, Prom, and Graduation. Well, as is common with many high school relationships, he ended up being accepted to a university 285 miles away from our hometown. I on the other hand was fortunate enough to attend a local university. The cruel irony is, he only applied to that college as it was 1 of the 6 I applied to and he wanted us to have a chance to go to the same school.

    Well, senior year passes in a flash and then it's the summer before college. We decided to try long distance in the hopes that it would only be for 1 school year and he could transfer to a school on my side of the state. This possibility then became impossible. I was very upset about it for a long time and we re-evaluated our relationship-- we had to decide if we still wanted to stick it out. Meaning, we had to decide if we wanted to continue a long distance relationship for the duration of our college careers-- at least 4 years total. As evidenced by my membership in this forum, we decided to keep going. We plan to get married after we finish our bachelors degrees which is only 2 years away now! We even semi-ly picked a date, June 27th 2014 haha.

    Now, it isn't quite as bad as some people's long distance circumstances. My SO lives a 3 minute drive from me when he is home. I could probably throw a rock from my place and hit his haha. Actually, we have used walkie-talkies in the past just because we could! So, that means every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring and Summer break we are together. He also buys Greyhound tickets every month and endures a 6 hour bus ride to spend a weekend with me (12 hours total both ways). Recently, I visited his school for the first time during my Spring Break. I arrived Sunday night and we traveled home together that Thursday morning. It was great finally getting to see where he spends so much time away from me-- now I can really visualize everything when he talks about school!

    Honestly, for a long time I didn't really think of myself as being in a long distance relationship. After being together every day for a year and seeing each other once a month-- sometimes for weeks at a time and 4 months straight in the summer it just didn't really feel like LD. But I can attest that every time we run into a difficulty in our relationship, the distance becomes all too real.

    Anyways, I don't mean to ramble! Just wanted to not be a "lurker" and provide a little background info about why I am here! I'm so glad to have found this site and community. I hope to gain knowledge and advice as well as give it occasionally. I've already implemented some of the tips from the site-- we're writing letters again now : ) So long story short: we were in a relationship for a year before we went long distance. It's now been almost 2 years of long distance. We'll be celebrating our 3 year anniversary in October. I just can't believe we've managed to make it this far! Hopefully, it will get easier with all the help this community has to offer!

    Also-- how does everyone get those cute little timelines at the bottoms of their posts that show how long you've been in your relationships and when you'll see your SO's again? I've never posted on a forum so this will be a learning curve!

    Welcome to LFAD!! I got mine using You can customize them to count up something, like how long you have been together, or down to something, like how long it is until you see each other, or until graduation, etc.

    LFAD is great for venting or getting advice, but it's also great because there are a lot of us here who are going through (or have gone through) a LDR. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      Welcome to LFAD! We're glad to have you


        welcome! ive not been here long and have found it really useful and inspiring to read about other peoples situations, hope you do too!


          Welcome to LFAD! You can find a lot of answers to your questions by browsing the different sections of the forums. You'll soon get the hang of things


            Welcome to LFAD!


              Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I am catching on pretty quickly, I think! And thanks, lyonsgirl-- I got my daisypath working!

