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First Time in a LDR please help!

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    First Time in a LDR please help!

    Hi everybody, I'm so glad I have found this site...

    I just met the man of my dreams online, he is everything I always wanted; he is not that far away only 1hr drive from my town.

    My problem is that I never have been in a long distance relationship and I don't want to loose him, he is very sweet and down to earth type of guy. I'm getting very anxious, I'm not good at relationships anyway. I have all this feelings like when I was a teenager, this is crazy, I can't stop thinking about him.

    I want this to work and I'm afraid I will ruin it if I don't control my self, we are currently communicating each other by e-mail and phone, I don't want to tell him 100% what I feel because I don't want to scare him, plus I can't believe what I'm feeling. I know is to soon for anything, but I really like him, I want to have a relationship with him.

    Please tell me everything I need to know, we just met and I think the beginning of any relationship is crucial because I need to do everything possible (without doing crazy stuff) to keep him interesting in me.

    Please Help!

    Welcome : )
    If you both care for each other then, in my opinion, any amount of distance isn't going to get in the way of that...especially only an hour.


      Welcome : )
      If you both care for each other then, in my opinion, any amount of distance isn't going to get in the way of that...especially only an hour.


        Welcome I really do not think you should have to try that much to make him interested in you imo. If you are meant to be, then you should both just be able to be yourselves around one another, and that should be enough.

        You say that you are one hour away from one another. Depending on your situation, that may or may not be a big deal when it comes to seeing one another. I have been in two relationships where the other person was one hour away. The first one was with my ex-boyfriend, and that only lasted a month and a half :P Neither of us had disposable income to drive and see one another, so it sort of was a long distance relationship. However, we broke up pretty quickly because you can't be in an ldr unless you are very serious about one another, and we just weren't suited for each other to begin with.

        However, my current boyfriend moved to be with me a while back ago, and we were only an hour apart then. He would drive to see me at least three times a week, and I would spend my weekends with him, so it was not like a long distance relationship at all. He had to move back home, but really, the one hour drive was not bad at all.

        I tell you this to let you know that it can work if there is something truly there between you two. Just try to meet in person as much as possible.


          I agree with the others. I'm a firm believer that what should happen will. Just take it one day at a time and ENJOY eachother. Good luck and welcome.


            awwww sweet! Welcome to this site

