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700 miles but I've never felt closer.

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    700 miles but I've never felt closer.

    Hi. My name is Andrew(20) i met my girlfriend Annie(19) in january. My friends that were crashing at my place in Breckenridge,Co asked if it was ok for one of there friends to crash also. She was on vacation with her family and needed to get away. So she came over. I didn't expect her to be so attractive but she is one of the most stunning woman I've ever seen. I talked to her a little and she seemed very down to earth and fun.

    Annie added me on Facebook shortly after. I started talking to her in the beginning of February. Right away I felt a connection with her. It must of been about 2 weeks before we were talking as if we were dating. We had our first date on Valentines Day via Skype. It lasted a little longer then 4 hours. After that we started Skyping more and more often. We also talk on the phone often. We were talking or Skyping daily for about 3 months until her first visit.

    Annie left late on the 10th and showed up the morning of the 11th. The first hug and kiss with her was pure love. At this point we have said we loved each other for a few weeks, but hearing it in person for the first time was just bliss. The time we spent together was amazing. I have never been so happy. She planned on leaving early the 13th but then asked me to come to Sioux Falls,SD the morning of the 12th. So we started to try and plan it and see if it would work. Sure enough it did.

    So I followed behind her in my car all the way to Sioux Falls. We showed up late on the 12th. I met her mom and dad on Mothers Day (13th). We had planned on me leaving the 21st. I was able to stay a long time cause i was in-between school and a summer job. Annie started working the day after Mothers Day, so I would drive her to work, bring her lunch, and pick her up. She got called off a few days so we got to spend a lot more time together. It was the best 2 weeks of my life. I officially asked her out on the 17th (her favorite number). We are both deeply in LOVE with each other, and both agree we have never been treated this well by a man or woman. She is so sweet, caring, and loving.

    We both haven't had much relationship experience but in my mind that doesn't matter. This is both our first LDR. Our plan is very unsure because she doesn't know where she is going to college next year (Utah or Minnesota) and we both have no idea of when to close the distance. So for now we are prepared to be in a LDR. Any advice for a couple just starting out in their first LDR?

    Thanks for reading, sorry if it was too long.

    Such a sweet post
    Lots of patience, communication, trust, empathy n love


      Thank you


        Cute story!!
        Welcome to LFAD!
        You'll find lots of advices around the forum!!


          thats just so sweeet
          because you ask for advice, i can say some things i live on. I was in the same place as you last year January, I fell in love with my best friend, but we live more than 4000 miles away.
          these are just things i do and things i live by

          1) patience - that is the number 1 rule as i think, its so hard to be patient sometimes, because an LDR is all about waiting. it is a wait for the person you love. so always make sure you know how worth the wait is

          2)Trust - you should know your SO has a life outside the relationship. no matter what, you need to trust your SO at all times, dont be insecure about little things

          3)Communication - Let your so know about things that bug you about the relationship, dont keep such issues hidden, for long peroids of time. most people are not good at communicating. I wasnt either. but i have learnt with time that if something he does upset me i should let him know. so make sure you communicate
          also tell your SO all about your day, it matters, little bits of what your SO did and what you do throughout the day should be shared
          try to chat or even msg every single day. dont go on without communication for days or weeks, always make time for them.

          4) appreciation - always appreciate the little things they do. say thank you, compliment them. say how much you value the little things they do

          5) try not to fight - i know this is hard, but me and my SO live by this. we both are very very patient whn it comes to this, we live by the rule of everything could be discuused and talked about. if we feel we are just angry about something, we take a break from chatting and we take a nap most the time or do our own work away from chatting and discuss any issue after we both cool down. i think its important cause it helps us to not say things we will resent later on.
          and of course lots and lots of love

          6) do litttle things to make them smile, a video, a drawing, some pics, make sure you do these to make them smile and keep them happy,

          good luck


            Thank you for the advice. Sadly the port on her phone that charges it just broke so we won't be able to text or call for a few days. I bought her an external battery charger and a spare battery so that she will not have to pay hundreds for a new phone and so she will always have a battery in her phone and on the charger. Should be at her house by the end of the week.


              Cute story and welcome to the forums! You guys are the exact ages my SO and I were when we got together- I had just turned 19 and he was nearly 20. You'll find plenty of advice around here and never be afraid to ask for it either.

