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Just a quick Hello:)

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    Just a quick Hello:)

    I came across this site while searching for mushy pictures to send my fiancé and have found it really helpful 😃 I'm 35 living in Australia and my fiancé is the same age and living in Pittsburgh In the US. We first had contact with each other around 18 mths ago through our mutual interest in sled dog racing. I was already in an unhappy relationship but as soon as I started talking to him over the next few months I knew straight away that he was my soul mate. For a while we kinda denied there were any feelings there but that slowly became hard to hide. I met him in may 2011 and we spend 5 amazing days together. After that we tried to live our lives as normal until we finally realized what we had was too special to give up, even through there were many tough times ahead. I spent another 10days with him in August 2011 and shortly after we commited ourselves to each other. In December I returned to the US for another 2 weeks and it was the best time of my life! We became engaged and it was the first time we could really annouce our relationship to everyone. He came to australia for the first time 6 weeks ago and lived it. I originally planned to move to the US but as I have children, it was agreed he would come here first and spend a few years in Aus before we both return to the US to live. We are just lodging paperwork for he's visa at the moment. Hopefully we will be together in the new year!! This relationship, as hard as it can be at times, is so worth it

    ---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

    Not really a quick hello was it? Lol



      Welcome to LFAD!


        Welcome fellow Aussie. I'm just a weeny bit further North of you hehe. How's the winter treating you?


          Welcome to LFAD! I hope you can be together soon!

